* + . When Angels Fall . + *

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A loud splash in the river nearby is what woke Tallulah up.

Pushing herself up, the blanket sliding off of her in the process, she squinted to look for anything through the window.

It was a splash far too loud for it to have been just someone tossing out items or throwing out their fishing line. No, it was a big splash, one that only could've only been caused by a person falling into the river water.

More specifically, a person falling from high up into the water below.

The thought alone made Tallulah's heartbeat quicken with nervousity and worry.

A bit afraid of what she was going to see, she got up out of bed, opened the door to her balcony and walked out, steps filled with uncertainty. The sun was shining down on her, and it was quiet, aside from the chirping of birds.

If someone was swimming in the river, there would have been noise. More splashing, maybe even laughter. But there was nothing.

Her grip on the railing of her balcony tightened.

She let her gaze fall on the river that was to the right of her and her house, that familiar river abruptly cut off by the giant wall her papa Phil and brother Chayanne live on. Squinting her eyes, she looked for anything swimming in the blue water. And she spotted something.

A person.

With blonde hair, and black wings.

Not moving an inch toward the water's surface.

Tallulah's heart skipped several beats.

Phil. Her papa Phil. In the water. Not moving.

No. No, he didn't. Right?

He didn't jump off of the wall to-

No, she can't think about that right now!

Immediately, she dashed back inside and hastily descended the ladder leading to the downstairs area of her house. Frantically rummaging through her backpack, she grabbed hold of a lasso and held it tight as she stormed out of the front door.

Reaching the little dock on the river that she and Phil built, she dove into the water without a sliver of hesitaton. She tied the lasso around his waist as tightly but quickly as possible. She then climbed back onto the dock, ignoring how cold she was now because of her soaked clothes, and pulled at the lasso as strongly as she could.

But Phil barely budged.

Tallulah's heart dropped.

Was she not strong enough?

No- No, she had to do something!

She couldn't just let him drown here!

She yanked and pulled at the lasso in frustration and panic. It was hard to move him, and his wings added extra weight to the weight of a regular adult. Her panic and anxiety were also not helping this situation in the slightest. But she kept persisting. She would not lose her dad here.

She would not let him die, no matter how many times he told her it was okay if he got downed.

With a grunt and a determined yank, Tallulah managed to pull Phil's upper body on top of the dock. Quickly, she hooked her arms under his and, with great effort, heaved him onto land. They were both soaking wet, but she didn't care.

He was safe.

Exhausted, she plopped down on the grass a bit away from him. She would have to dry these clothes later.

It was a bit quiet for Tallulah's liking, and for a moment, she debated taking out her flute and playing a tune.

It was then that she registered the dings of the messages popping up in the communicator that had been given to all island residents.

Usually, messages coming in that frequently either meant that something was going on, or people were asking each other for items. Curious as to what it was, she took the device out of her pocket and took a look at the text it displayed.

Ph1lzA drowned.
[FoolishG]: OH
[FitMC]: you good?
[Tubbo]: dont over hidrate old man
[Tubbo]: you could die
[Tubbo]: oh wait
[Tubbo]: you did
[FitMC]: hahahahha
[BadBoyHalo]: do you need help getting your stuff philza?

She almost dropped the communicator.

There where various messages from different islanders, as to be expected. However, her eyes were only fixated on one, desperately hoping for it to be a lie, for it to be her eyes playing tricks on her.

Ph1lzA drowned.


No, no, no, no, no.

It can't be.

She saved him.

She lasso'd him, pulled him out of the water and spared him the pain of drowning.

So why-?

No. Surely the communicator had broken. It probably just malfunctioned because of the water. Water broke electronics, right? So it just... coincidentally spat that death message out... right after she saved him.


Desperately, she shuffled over to Phil again, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him in an attempt to wake him up.

"Papa? Papa?? Are you okay?! Please answer me...!", she yelled.

But there was no response.

No, in fact...

There was nothing. No sound of soft breathing, no sleepy murmurs. No heartbeat.

It was silent. Too silent.

She... had failed.

Tallulah broke down into sobs, cradling her father's body.

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