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"It's time." Kamari sighed.

She walked down the stairs, the wood creaking as she did so. A few months back, she had been struck with the idea that a book on the subject of murder would make a fine read. It may have some gruesome truth, but then, fiction was only a test to show how creative people could be. The only issue was, she needed real experience and could not see the public willfully handing that over. She devotes the upcoming weeks to contemplating the entire matter, including the potential victim. Eventually, she found the solution, and a man had been sacrificed for the kill. She began writing her novel and wrote her thought process for the murder, her feelings, her thoughts, her plan. And when the time came to act it out, she was overwhelmed with fear, so she used her mind and wrote everything down, until she was a few weeks into planning. The night was picked, the victim was picked, and no one was the wiser. They would have no idea the true reason of his death, only that he was already dead. Of course, some would know of her previous intent, but the true plan would be invisible from the surface.

That night, the victim was struck down, his blood splattered on the ground in a small room, and the rest would be history. Kamari disappeared quietly with her bloody clothes in a bag on her back. She was lucky no one saw her because she would have died if they did.

"I did it." Kamari said. "I really did it."

She had successfully killed a man, and people were none the wiser. The corpse was gone, and everyone else was dead asleep. She looked at the papers of her story.

"Will this be enough for the book?." She said. "A book containing the murder of a man."

She smiled.

"And the killer will be an anonymous woman."

The next day, she gathered herself and headed to the local library. She sat down and began writing the novel. Within a month, the novel had been completed, and she was prepared to publish it. Her fans would be thrilled to finally see she had published another novel. Once this was done, she would need to keep a low profile.

"This is excellent." Kamari said.

After a few months, she was already gaining popularity. 

She sat in the café with her best friend Sora, and had completely left the event behind. And went on with her life as if nothing happened. 

Sora was reading her novel and seemed intrigued, "wow, Kamari...this is good!" 

"I might actually go somewhere with this." Kamari said. "I never knew my works would get this big."

She continued working on her novels, and she became more and more famous.

"Kamari, why are you writing about a serial killer?" Her best friend Sora asked as she closed her laptop. 

"I'm not sure. I just thought it would be cool."

"Well, I love it. I can't wait until you finish." Sora smiled at her, and seemed impressed with her work. Kamari smiled, and laughed softly, only she would ever know the truth behind the book. 

Later, when she arrived home, she laid back on her sofa, looking up at her ceiling. 

"I can't believe it." She said. "I've written all these books, and I'm still no closer to figuring out why I did it."

She sighed and closed her eyes.

"Maybe I was insane..."

She shook her head and got up.

"No. I can't think like that."

She went to her room and pulled out a piece of paper. She had to find out the reason behind her actions.

"What was the reason? What was the motive?...and why do i want more." 

"Why am I like this?" She asked herself. "Why can't I be normal?"

She looked at the paper, and the words that were written on it.

"Because I'm a killer."

She crumpled the paper and threw it away.

"I just have to accept it."

She stood up and walked to the bathroom.

"I'm a killer."

She stripped off her clothes and got into the shower. As the hot water hit her skin, she felt all the tension leave her body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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