Stupid 💢

464 4 42

Ace Trappola x GN! Reader

This story contains slight angst! Please be informed that it does contain slightly sad concepts of the reader's love experiences! Other than that! Enjoy!


Stupid 💢


You never had the best love life, but who hasn't?

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You never had the best love life, but who hasn't?

Love was something that would come and go. Many find 'the one' and live happily ever after. While others would either stay in such a toxic relationship just to make it work out.  You were one of those types who would stay in multiple toxic relationships. Only because you saw the good in people, you wanted to give them a chance.

Or was it? You feared being all alone.


The bell rang as the clock stuck at 10:40 am. Students started to hurriedly pack their school items up to get to their next class. As many knew, the teachers did not accept tardiness, no matter what excuse you had or came up with.

You packed up as you usually would, and Grim just say there waiting for you to finish.

You weren't even paying attention as you spaced out. You didn't even notice a certain redhead coming up to you. With a pat on the back, the male spoke up with his usual confident tone.

"Y/n! Hurry up you slowpoke! We are gonna be late to Professor Crewel's class! I wouldn't want to get on his bad side today... He seems already so pissed!"

You turned around, your eyes landing on a familiar face. Seeing your friend Ace Trappola, a first-year student, you smiled at him and tilted your head acknowledging him. "Hey Ace, sorry about the hold-up. I'm almost ready," you stated calmly as the impatient male just crossed his arms. "Good! Now let's go!" he started grabbed you by the wrist and took off. Of course not even giving a second glance toward Grim.

"Oi! Wait for me!" Grim yelled and hopped off the table of the lecture hall's desk and quickly caught up to the pair.

Ace continued to hold you by the wrist as you walked down the hall. Of course, he had no idea the impact it had on you... poor thing.  You held Grim with the free arm you had as the two of you ventured down the hall, pushing past students who were just standing there. "Move damn it!" he grumbled under his breath as the two of you struggled through the crowds. Soon enough you finally pushed past everyone and got to Professor Crewel's class just as the bell rang.

"Alright pups, take your seats. Once I've taken down attendance I want you to pull out your notes from yesterday's lecture. If you have lost them or simply just didn't write any notes down, then I will personally deal with such lazy pups."