The Life of Sybil Gardner

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For months Sybil sobbed every night, but then one day something happened that changed her life. But before we get into that, let's start from the beginning. Sybil has two younger sisters, and she has a best friend named Gracelynn. They met in karate and have been friends since. She tells Gracelynn everything. She is also obsessed with boys. She'll find a new boy to be obsessed with every month.

One day Sybil's grandmother lied to the police and turned her father in for abusing her and her family. Thankfully her father didn't get arrested. The next day, Sybil's mother asked, "Sybil, are you ok?" Sybil lied and said "Yes." Sybil's mother said "Ok." That night she looked at herself in the mirror and said, "I'm so ugly and fat, no boy will ever like me." Sybil wept that night. She felt like her sadness was a prison and she didn't know how to escape it.

A few months later Sybil turned fourteen and she got a job. It was the breath of fresh air that she needed. Every day she was so excited to go to work. She never wanted to go home. A year later, Sybil decided to tell Gracelynn everything about her family. So that night she texted her and said, "This is what is happening, and I'm so glad that you're in my life." Gracelynn replied, "Oh I'm so sorry to hear about this, and I'm so glad I'm in it." The next day, Sybil's grandfather asked her, "You didn't finish all your breakfast, are you on a diet?" She said "No." she texted Gracelynn and told her what happened and asked, "Can I have a hug tomorrow?" Gracelynn replied, "Sure." The next day at karate, Gracelynn gave Sybil a hug. Gracelynn isn't much for showing emotion, but Sybil knew that she was there for her.

A few weeks later, Sybil went with her grandparents and uncle to get dinner and they went to her work, The Chicken Palace, and her uncle asked her, "Is that the one you have a crush on?" and Sybil thought he meant Tyler Murklins, her crush. She stuttered. After dinner, on their way home, her uncle said, "I meant the girl." Sybil was in shock and replied, "What! I'm not lesbian." "It's ok if you are, we would still love you." Her grandmother said. "I'm not lesbian." Sybil repeated.

When she was fifteen, she still got excited to go to work. It was Star Wars Day today and a new face was there, and he was so cute. He had brown curly hair down to his shoulders and he was tall. The second Sybil saw him she was speechless. She felt like her whole world had stopped. A few minutes later, she walked over to him and said, "Hi, my name is Sybil." she said as she smiled. "I'm Griffin." he said. Later, at a time that they weren't busy, they started to talk about Star Wars. "Hey Griffin, my least favorite character is probably Jar Jar." "What! Why Jar Jar, he's so funny." replied Griffin. "Well, because he gave Palpatine power to overthrow the Senate, but yes, he's very funny." Sybil added.

That night Sybil posted on her story, a video saying she has a crush on someone. The next day at karate Gracelynn asked her, "I saw your video, who is it?" Sybil blushed and said "Well, he's my manager's son, he's so nice and he's very cute. I felt like my world stopped when I met him. It was so amazing." "Cool." Gracelynn said sarcastically. Sybil continued "But Gracelynn, you don't understand, I'm over fictional boys. I'm not obsessed with them anymore. Something about meeting Griffin changed that and I'm no longer insecure." The next day Sybil went to work, and she saw Griffin, and he was on his break. A few minutes later Jayda asked, "Hey Sybil, can you go table touch please?" With a smile on her face Sybil replied, "Yes." so she went over and table touched and when she got to the table Griffin was sitting at she asked with a smile on her face, "How's everything over here, do you need a refreshment?" He said "No, I'm ok."

Next week at work, Sybil walked over to her friend Olivia and asked "Hey can I talk to you?" Olivia replied "Yes of course. You can always talk to me." "I like Griffin." said Sybil. "Oh, well I find him annoying." replied Olivia. "Oh really, why?" asked Sybil. "He's always touching his hair. He could at least have it in a man bun." said Olivia. Sybil smiled and replied "Yeah, but I think it's cute." The next day Sybil said "Hey Griffin." as she stocked the cups. "Hi." Griffin replied. That night at karate Sybil walked over to Gracelynn and said "I had the best day today." Gracelynn replied "Oh let me guess, did you see him?" Sybil blushed and said "Yeah." "What? Who did you see?" asked Piper. "I saw my crush." Sybil said. "Who is your crush?" asked Piper. "His name is Griffin Hawkins. He's my manager's son." replied Sybil. Piper scoffed.

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