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"Charlton....Howard." I hesitated. I dont know how i could trust this woman. After all i did just bump into her a couple of hours ago, I remember her clearly. Shes just a stranger nothing different. But i do want to get out of here.

"Thankyou." She said softly, smiling a bit. "How are you feeling?" She asked. Charlton didn't understand why she was asking him all these unnecessary questions, he's not dead..so he's fine.

"Im fine." I said bluntly. Not wanting to continue a conversation with this woman, I just wanted to leave. The beeping of the machines were annoying, it was cold, and the bed was uncomfortable. Better off sleeping on the ground.

Her smiles faded just a bit, but she kept it professional. "Alright well, ill be right by your room if you need anything, ill check up on you later." She said grabbing a pack of papers and walking out, im assuming some documents.

I stare at her from the back, shes just as I remembered. Slim body even in scrubs, about 5'4, only difference is she had her curly locked up in a clip of some sort. What a coincidence that shes my nurse, im not really complaining...i just want to get out of here before someone finds out that i have warrants.

"Im sorry i forgot your water."

I heard her voice come back to my room, I quickly shook out my thoughts and turned my attention on her. "I didn't ask for water." I said, although my throat was a bit dry, the water was ice cold and looked refreshing. Maybe i did need water.

"Im supposed to keep you hydrated, plus i noticed that your voice was a bit hoarse when you woke up, so i made a mental note to get you some water." She said setting the water down to my table. And with that she left once again, leaving me to my thoughts.

This isnt the first time this happened, well going to the hospital is but over dosing wasnt. Ive over dosed many times, and have died, but nothing a naloxone cant fix.
( a/n: naloxone is a medication that can instantly reverse an overdose for fentanyl, heroin, opioids ect.)

I dont think i can even count how many times ive had to have naloxone just because of overdose. Sometimes i wished that i wasnt given naloxone.

I was no secret that charlton has suicidal thoughts, sometimes he thinks about it everyday. His life was so miserable he sometimes couldn't bare it, hence why he would carelessly take drugs without the proper amount hoping he'd "accidentally" overdose.

He lifted his shaky hand to take a sip of the water, but once he lifted lifted the cup it fell from the little table and onto his stomach, immediately feeling the cold streaks run down his abdomen.

"Shit!" He sucked air through his teeth feeling the cold streaks seep through the mattress. It wasnt long until he heard light footsteps come near his room.

"Are you okay- oh no..." jhene said lightly. She came in immediately after she heard him yelp. "Lets get you cleaned up hm?" She said. Charlton watched her every move, she first went to the cabinet in his room by the bathroom and grabbed some towels, then proceeded to his bed.

"I forgot to say that your arm may be a little sore or weak since were draining it, careful not to move it so much" she said laying towels down around my body to soak up the droplets of water that spilled.

She quickly put a towel on top of my stomach to soak up more water, then some on the floor. She lifted the towels off the floor and then began to check the monitors, guessing to see if they are still working.

"Okay everything seems to still be in tact, are you okay charlton-"

"Laroi." I immediately say cutting her off. "Are you okay laroi?" She asked again switching the names. "..im fine." I say feeling a bit tired, slowly turning my head towards the window, seeing water droplets slowly run down the window.

"Okay, ill check on you a little later." She said leaving out of the room leaving the door cracked for some privacy. The room fell silent, just the pitter patter from the rain is all i can hear.


"Sooo...how is he?" Amani said giggling and kicking her feet. "Amani we cant just gossip about patients like this."  I say smile at the girls humor, shes always been a gossip girl. "Well I wouldn't say its gossip..just simply asking how a patients doing." She said eating her grapes. We were on "break" i guess you could say, not much of a break we were just checking emails and no one seemed to need our assistance.

"You never ask about my patients, why all of a sudden now?" I ask curiously, but also knowing the answer. "Because he's hot." She said boldy smiling. I roll my eyes at her answer and get back to checking my emails. "He's on his last leg and all you care about is his looks." I scoffed at the woman.

"You're right, his health comes first...then looks." She said. "You are unbelievable." I say looking at her laughing. "Im gonna talk to the doctor to see if he can cut his stay a little short." I say to amani. "How come? Does he feel better all ready?" She asked. "No, he keeps saying that he doesn't want to be here, and plus i made a promise that i would work with him to get him out of here sooner than he has to." I said.

"Is he scared of needles or something?" She asked. No he wasnt..he was far from that actually. "No, i guess he just doesn't want to be here, so ill talk to the doctor about it." I say getting up getting ready to go to mr. Lee's office. "Okay, ill keep an eye on pretty boy." She said smiling. "I don't think he'd be safe with you doing that." I laughed. "Oh hes in great hands go talk to the doctor would ya" she said jokingly. I laughed and shook my head beginning to walk down the hall. Well see what he says.

This girl amani is so damn horny😭
Anywayyyy hope you guys like this chapter, by the time your reading this im alr working on the next one! Yep!💘

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