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『 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑  𝟔 』
『 Helping him 』

"So, now the training begins," Kakashi announced, leading us to a small, empty field with trees surrounding us in a circular area just near the village.

Naruto replied enthusiastically, "Yes, Sensei!"

"Before that, let me again explain the basics of chakra power for a ninja," Kakashi continued.

"At this point..." Sasuke mumbled as Naruto spoke.

"Of course, we know about that! Chatora, right?" Naruto said eagerly, pointing his finger up.

"I'm pretty sure it's 'Chakra', Naruto," I corrected him, his lips parting in realization.

"Thanks, Misaki," Naruto huffed, looking confused but grateful for the clarification.

"Chakra is the energy that a ninja needs when using Jutsu. It's composed of two types of energy: physical energy, gathered from every cell in the body, and spiritual energy, accumulated through training and life experiences," I explained, but Naruto's expression remained perplexed, prompting Sakura to let out an annoyed sigh.

"I'll just simplify it for you, Naruto," Sakura interjected, irritation evident in her tone. "So, Naruto, think of Jutsu as squeezing out and combining those two energies from within your body. This process is called 'combining Chakra.' Then, you activate Chakra by forming hand signs."

"Great job, you two," Kakashi praised, nodding in approval. "That's exactly right! Iruka Sensei really does have good students."

"Whatever! I may not understand complicated explanations, but I'll learn by doing!" Naruto exclaimed determinedly, surprising us with his resolve. Even Sasuke chimed in with a similar sentiment.

Kakashi announced, "No! All of you still haven't used Chakra efficiently."

"What?!" Naruto gasped in disbelief, earning a weird look from Sasuke.

"Hold on and listen," Kakashi continued. "As Misaki and Sakura explained earlier, combining Chakra means picking up both the physical and spiritual energies and mixing them together within the body. And of course, the amount of each energy, the preparation of the energy, changes based on the Jutsu you want to activate. All of you at present aren't using Chakra efficiently. Even if you're able to continue to combine a lot of Chakra, if you're not able to control it in a balanced way, the effectiveness of the Jutsu not only will be cut in half but it may not even be activated at all. Wasting energy will prevent you from battling for long periods. These are some weaknesses that can occur."

"What should we do?" Naruto asked bashfully, rubbing the back of his head.

Kakashi replied, "You need to learn to control the Chakra within your body. It's difficult training that requires you to put your life on the line to master it!"

All of us had blank and fearful looks on our faces, but I couldn't help but think that Kakashi was slightly exaggerating.

"What will we do?" Sakura inquired.

"...Tree climbing," Kakashi responded.

"Tree climbing?" the four of us said in unison, baffled by the simplicity of the task. I knew Kakashi was downplaying it; our lives wouldn't be on the line just from climbing trees.

"Yup," Kakashi simply said before continuing. "But it's not just simple tree-climbing! You will climb without using your hands."

"What? How?" Sakura mumbled, annoyance evident in her voice, and from the corner of my eye, I watched Naruto's face turn blank.

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