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──────═❀═──────『 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑  𝟐𝟑 』──═❀═──━『 Number 99 』

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『 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑  𝟐𝟑 』
『 Number 99 』

"There are many jutsu I can teach you, the possibilities are almost endless," Anko said, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. "You want to learn new jutsu, right?"

"I do," I replied, settling into a more focused stance, my hands resting on my knees. "But I also want to improve my other skills."

"Explain further," she encouraged, leaning in slightly.

"I want to enhance my taijutsu and genjutsu abilities," I explained. "Gaara is incredibly strong, and he defeated Lee, whose taijutsu prowess was unmatched. Even Sasuke had a tough time against him."

"I see," Anko hummed thoughtfully before abruptly rising to her feet. "I can help you with that easily. I am quite... formidable myself."

"Really?" I murmured, feeling a mix of uncertainty and curiosity.

Anko let out a hiss as she replied, her demeanour suddenly intense. "I am. You would do well to remember that."

"I'll be the determining factor of how strong you deem yourself to be, Anko," I replied firmly, rising to my feet to meet her gaze.

"I can teach you whatever you please, you name it," Anko said, her hand resting confidently on her hip. "Taijutsu, genjutsu, fuinjutsu, kenjutsu, summonings... and even."

"Even what?" I prompted, intrigued by the hesitation in her voice.

"...Kinjutsu," Anko replied slowly, her tone cautious. "But only if you're interested, of course. I could teach you the basic Kinjutsu, numbers 1 through 99."

I scoffed at the suggestion. "And risk getting caught and thrown into jail? No, thank you. I have no interest in that. However, I am curious about summoning animals. After the chunin exams, I want to focus on mastering a weapon."

"Consider it done," Anko said, extending her hand towards me, a confident smirk playing on her lips.

I hesitated, uncertainty gnawing at me as I weighed the risks and rewards of accepting her offer. Glancing at her outstretched hand, I contemplated whether to proceed with my decision to allow her to guide me.

As I stood there, considering Anko's offer, a flurry of thoughts raced through my mind.

Summoning animals intrigued me deeply, offering both strategic advantages and a deeper connection to nature's power. Yet, the allure of Kinjutsu, forbidden though it may be, sparked a rebellious curiosity within me. Still, the consequences of dabbling in such dark arts were grave, risking not only my own freedom but also the trust of my comrades.

Anko watched me closely, her gaze sharp and expectant. She seemed to sense my inner turmoil, waiting patiently for my decision. Despite her intimidating demeanour, I couldn't deny the knowledge and expertise she possessed. If anyone could guide me through the complexities of mastering a weapon or delving into summoning jutsu, it was her.

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