4; win or lose

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chapter 4; win or lose.


"Your affection for the sunset is quite profound, isn't it?" I probed, the corners of my mouth curving into a gentle smile, subtly mirroring the warmth she exuded.

Her eyes sparkled as she responded, "Absolutely, but this is a whole new perspective for me." Her lips stretched into a genuine smile, lighting up her face. "I can't express how grateful I am for this experience, for the opportunity to witness such a breathtaking spectacle."

I shrugged off her gratitude with a wave of my hand, my voice barely above a whisper, yet carrying a weight of sincerity. "It's really nothing, you know. Seeing that radiant smile on your face, that's my real reward. It brings me a sense of joy that's hard to put into words."

Her eyes met mine as she murmured, "Thank you, Ash." Her smile never left her face.

Caught off guard by her words, I furrowed my brows slightly, a puzzled expression crossing my features. "Thank you for what?" I queried, genuinely curious about what had prompted her gratitude.

"For taking me here, in this peaceful place, I've never felt this peace before." she said, looking straightly through the sun, "All I could feel is happiness."

"Izza, thank you..." I genuinely said and smiled, looking at the golden view.

"Why are you thanking me too?" she asked, confused by the words I just told her.

"Thank you for being here with me, for giving me what love I deserved, it's just you are so perfect, you are perfect in so many ways, and I've liked you for that, you have a great humor, and I get every jokes you crack, even those math jokes you crack a lot." she genuinely laughed and sat beside me, "Ash, I am happy dahil nakilala kita, I never knew I would meet someone like you."

"Izza..." I uttered.

"Hmm...?" she responded.

"Can I court you?" The words slipped from my lips, a question hanging in the air between us. Her eyes, those beautiful eyes, flickered to meet mine, a hint of surprise dancing within them. I could see, from the corner of my eye, a smile spreading across her face, a smile that seemed to never end. I turned to face her fully, a mirror of her joy reflected in my own smile. "Don't get too excited," I teased, my words light and playful. "If we end up together, what more could you possibly feel?" 

 She rolled her eyes at my cheesy remark, but the smile never left her face. "Stop it with your corny sentences," she playfully chided. Then, her expression turned serious, "Yes, I will allow you to court me, but on one condition." She raised a single finger, the universal sign for 'pay attention'. I simply nodded, eager to hear her terms. "Never ask me if I'm ready to give you my sweetest yes. Just wait for it." 

 The words hung in the air between us, a promise and a challenge all at once. "I'd wait a decade if that's what it takes..." I replied, a chuckle escaping my lips. 

Her laughter echoed mine, a sweet symphony in the encroaching twilight. 

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