chapter 15

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justin's POV

next day 

last night was weird i have never seen ryan not sleep with seb since they got together they dont really fight so this is big and i worried about what happened and why they are fighting ryan just looks sad he said he's fine but he's not 

justin: heyyy bestie 

ryan: hey justin

justin: wanna go to the mall dar is hanging out with felix and seb i think 

ryan: are you paying 

justin: whyyyy he says hanging on to ryan's arm 

ryan: fine lets go let me get ready first 

justin: okay 

when he said that i walked downstairs to tell darren he's going but i walked passed seb's to get downstairs and he was on the phone with someone and they were fight bad when he said the name it shocked me because they were fighting about ryan and a relationship between the themselves 

seb: gela listen i know we're friends and all but ryan he's more than a friend to me 

gela: what about the time at my place didnt you like me then 

seb: it was a mistake i love ryan 

gela: fine if you wont listen i'll just tell ryan 

seb: tell him what that you kissed me 

gela: but you kissed back 

" i started to back way from the door and ran downstairs and pulled dar into the kitchen where no one was" 

darren: what i was talking 

justin: i cant i dont know i was coming down here to tell you ryan was coming then i heard seb fighting with someone and it was gela and it was about seb and ryan and gela wants to get with seb but seb loves ryan but...... gela- they kissed when seb and ryan were together 

darren: are you sure 

justin: yes at least thats what i heard 

ryan's POV

i got done putting my colthes on and went to go talk to justin and tell im im ready but i couldnt find him when i got down there so i went to the kitchen and heard darren and justin talking about gela and seb and i felt tears coming down he cheated and lied to me i ran upstairs feeling nothing but anger and sadness and i pushed seb door open 


seb: what happened ryan 

ryan: you cheated you cheated on me with gela and you lied i asked this question so many FUCKING times but you gave me the same answer  that you wouldnt break my heart you wouldnt you even said you wouldnt and im so dumb to believe you right i was the most dumbest here to believe that you were actually in love with me and gela is the most annoying fuck girl she is so ugly at that 

gela: bitch what 

ryan: oh she still on the phone good 

seb: ryan listen please it was just a kiss i didnt mean for it to happen

ryan: i dont give a fuck now back to you gela your dumb annoying and want to depend on seb who does really give a fuck about you and your just over all worthless you came to my house and wanted to hit on my now ex boyfriend because you want attention from him and you just act like a whore 

gela: seb if i come over right now im going to fuck him up 

seb: stay where you are gel please ryan its just a misunderstanding 

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