Chapter one.

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"Alex! Stop!", she yelled. She seemed aggressive, but actually her expressions were faded, her big bright eyes were starting to fill up with tears, her heart was broken and she felt as if she was going to faint due to the harshness of his words.

"Amanda, I can't take this any further, it keeps going worse; I'm sorry but we really need to split up."

His words were like small & sharp knives tearing her soul. She couldn't think or speak any more. Her expectations broke into tiny pieces she would never be able to fix again.

" I don't like you anymore, I had this strange feeling of disgust since the past few weeks and I did not want to fake our relation so I thought it's better to tell you the truth", He continued. He hardly managed to look at her probably the last time.

"But we had so many dreams..You promised never to leave me till my last breath.. Why are you just doing this to me?..I wanted to- "

"But simple as that. Dont argue pointlessly. I cannot force myself to love you.There are people out there who need you.You won't miss me for sure ", Alex interfered.

"FINE! Enough of your rotten face and foolish talks. I am strong enough to head alone. I thought we were going to be life time partners, but okay I was totally wrong to think of you as a good human. I'll go my way and you take yours. "
Amanda brought up all the courage in herself to say this, even though she was falling apart inside but she didn't want him to notice her like that.

" Well, I guess bye then!" He said before turning his back on her.

"And listen?", she said.

"What now?", he questioned nastily.

"Tear up all the pictures we had together, I don't want you staring at them. "

" Yeah for sure, this is the first thing on my list once I reach home. Dont worry." He was being extremely rude.

And here, both of them continued walking in the opposite directions. They had been argumenting for a long while. Amanda was always the one to apologize at the end. She wanted to save their relation, the love which they shared for almost two years. But Alex..aah!...He snatched all the happiness and peace of mind away from her while she was building towers for their future. He didn't even care to give an explanation to her. All he cared was for himself. He proved to be awfully selfish.

After taking a few steps, Amanda started breathing heavily. Her throat hurted because she was controlling her tears and sobs all this time. The lump in her throat hurted her. And she started crying the next instant. Poor thing.. what else she could do in such circumstances?.

She was alone, depressed, betrayed and cheated.
Flashbacks of the good times spent with Alex ran through her mind. She shivered for a moment and then rested her head on the east side of the hard concrete wall of the Church. She didn't know how to face her parents in such a condition. How sad would they become when comprehending all that happened a few minutes ago?
How would she overcome the breakup? Would she even be able to fall in love with someone again?.....

Amanda kept on sobbing until she reached home. It was a snowy day and her family was most probably enjoying dry nuts and the perfect heating system in the entire mansion. They led a luxurious life. They were from those rich people who never even dreamt of a financial crisis. They had their business scattered evenly all around the globe. On the other hand, Amanda did not care much about money. All she wanted was a peaceful and happy love life, which turned out to be hell for her.

With a bursting heart & mind she knocked on the door not knowing how she would react the next moment.

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