Chapter six.

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Amanda got up from the bed, they ran downstairs. The next moment was so shocking for her to handle...

Brian was laying unconscious on the floor. For a moment Amanda lost her memory. She was like 'What's going on? Who am I?'. When her senses returned the Ambulance had arrived.

Brian was layed on a stretcher and moved inside the transport. Cloe forced Amanda to stay home but Amanda wont listen. He is her dad. Her loving dad. Her dad means life to her. She came along too. Their journey went miserable sobbing until Amanda asked her mother,

"W-what actually happened mom?"

"I-I was in the kitchen...Your father was watching television.. I heard a loud sound of something falling on the floor.. I shouted out "Brian"...but their was no reply...I came out of the kitchen and saw him on the floor holding his heart...He wasn't able to speak and then went unconscious..I slapped on his cheeks lightly but of no use.. ...M-my hands were shaking badly and I c-called the ambulance and gave them the address with a lump in my throat...T-then I rushed upstairs to wake you...", Cloe explained all this hardly,her body was still shivering.

Amanda was also not able to control her tears. A pump type machine was providing her father oxygen to live. He seemed calm as always, but the difference was that his expressions were not voluntary this time.

They were unaware of the news they'd get when they reach the hospital. After a few mins they reached the nearest hospital.
They immediately got out of the ambulance. The stretcher was dragged outside, two middle-aged doctors cane running. Cloe told them everything quickly and they took him to the ICU ward.

Amanda felt as if she was fading away slowly. Her brain was freezed. She couldn't handle all that was happening. She felt nausea and placed her hand on the wall of the ICU ward. Her head was spinning really fast. She called out "mom", before Cloe could say anything darkness covered her eyes.


"Would you please tell me what happened to her?", Cloe asked desperately. She was too tensed. First Brian and then Amanda. It was her turn to act strong now.

"She just went unconscious due to stress. She'll be awake in an hour or so, Dont mention any bad news to her and give her something to eat", the doctor in charge advised.

"Okay...", was Cloe's reply. She felt miserable. She prayed for her daughter and husband's recovery in her heart.

It seemed as time had stopped. "Wait" is the worst thing someone can do. Cloe was in need of patience boost. About an hour ago everything was fine, everyone was happy until this all occurred.

Life is so unpredictable..You never know what's going to happen the next instant. We should never forget God in both her bad as well as good times...maybe this is all a test for the Jones family...This test indeed had signs in it...These signs had yet to be identified atleast by one person of the family regardless of experience or something else....
Something had to be changed...but what was it? ... no one knew except God.... He knows everything.


Amanda blinked her eyes. Her head was pounding with pain. She couldn't see her mother. She tried to get up but she was too weak. She felt extremely helpless. While trying to grab a glass of water from the side fell from her hands and broke in to infinitive pieces. Tears ran down her face. A nurse came rushing on the sound of the breaking glass.

"Thank goodness you're awake, let me get you something to eat", she inquiried.

"No, I want to get to my mom and dad. My dad's sick. Please help me go", Amanda shouted.

"Calm down please! You can't leave the bed in such a condition. You must rest, I'll go find your mom".

Amanda was forced to stay on her bed. She pulled her hair with sorrow and depression. Her sobs became louder. She wished this was all a nightmare and would end soon.. but no, this was a part of real life. She started screaming. A doctor came rushing and grabbed her left hand...she struggled to get out of his grip but she was out of energy...He inserted an injection in her vein...She led out a last scream... then went into deep sleep once again.

"Have a sound sleep mam. You wont be up for the next two hours. I made this happen because the news you are going to hear is really terrible... ", the doctor gssped. He spoke as if Amanda was listening to him with concentration.


Her worst time began.. she was drowned in sweat. She heard people crying.. she heard her mom's voice torn down...she wasn't able to open her eyes... yet she felt some energy..she tried to look on the right...A glucose bottle was fixed on the stand...she was on a drip..She was not awake fully but her senses told her something has really gone wrong .....

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