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No one pov.
When Amarys left the council together with Aemond, Anathor and the others left too to go to the Dragonmont to release the dragons who live there. "How can we know that they will follow us and our command?" Deamon asked. "They follow no command but they will follow their king." Anathor said. As Anathor said it Drogon and their dragons land to their location. Deamon and Rheanyra are amaze of the size of Anathor's and Amarys' dragons, Drogon is large as Balerion and the other dragons are larger or size of Vhagar. "Whose dragon is largest one?" Rhaenyra asked this time. "My mother's eldest child and her mount also the father  and the king of our dragons." Amarys said. She appear to them out of no where and introduce Drogon to them. "Child? King? What are you two saying? How can you manage to control your mother' s dragon without her?" This time Jacearys asked them. "Drogon is our mother's child since she thought she is curse to never have a child but when met our father the curse is lifted when our mother's dragon child is killed by the Night King and rised as him as an undead dragon in order melt the wall in the North. He considered as his siblings together his mate Rheagal." Anathor said. "That's why Grandmother's dragon Silverwing never cross the Wall in the North." Deamon said. "Yes, that's why never cross in North Wall without caution." Anathor said. "Now, shall we begin? Drogon dear brother of ours lead the dragons and teach them to become an independent." Amarys said. After she said that Drogon let a powerful roar and all dragons in DragonStone are out of their cave and answer their king's call. One by one they land in location including The Cannibal and other two wild dragons. They are shocked when Cannibal, Grey Ghost and Sheepstealer landed near them. Amarys approach Cannibal and said. "Your name it's not suited for you to have. I will call you Azantys means warrior, you I give you the name of Soña and you Dharak." The newly name dragons approach her and let her touch them as soon touch one another they felt their connection to each other.

Deamon pov.
I can't believe it my great grand daughter tame the most wildest and dangerous dragon of all time. Maybe she and her twin brother is the who end this war. "My dear grand daughter, how's the situation with Aemond? Did he gave you their plan for this pathetic war?" I asked Amarys. "Yes, he did but with a price." She said. "What price sister ? Your hand in marraige, is that it?" Anathor asked. "Yes, but I explained to him that I can't marry him because I am from the future but I award him for persistance. I have no choice but to agree with and talk about this our parents with him." She explain. "What did they say?" I asked. "They also no choice to agree too so that he will become our greatest ally."  She said with a sigh. "So, what will we do now that the dragons are free and obeying your mother's dragon for now." I said. "The dragons are now out and they will have the guidance of our dragons and we will head to the painted table to re plan our action." Amarys said. Me and the others nod and go back to the castle and plan our war against the Greens. We talked about them until we get in the room with all of our allies and council there. "Princes and Princess we must discuss our plan in taking back the throne and defeating the greens." Measter Gerardys said. "Yes, the other houses are loyal to you, Your Grace." Lord of House Celtigar said. "But we know that they have the half of the houses of Westeros to them." Another Lord said. "We might have an idea how we gain another ally to a place where the snake and vipers live." Amarys said. "How can you convinced Dorne to become our ally?" I asked. All people looked at the twins. "Remember what we told you Grandfather my Uncle and Aunt are from the bloodline of sun, snake and vipers. Although they didn't reach adulthood but us and my father still related and honor them as half siblings and relative, we told you about this didn't we ." Anathor said. "So you really tell them about you?" Rheanyra asked. They only nod their head. Then they head out but before they step outside the dragons roar, the twins look each other like they knew about why the dragons roar about. "Looks like the massenger of the Greens are here. We must greet them with a suprise. Would you kindly enough to release my husband-to-be ?" Amarys said and the soldiers retrived Prince Aemond.

Rheanyra pov.
Prince Aemond is greeted by us without a chain and he greet his wife to be and heads to ward their dragons. "Oh, Grandmother greet them with style." She said with smile. "We must go and greet them." I said. Deamon is first one who confrot them andI know he will tease them to the bone. I go to my dragon Syrax, she is eager to kill the who cause us both harm to our children.

Very Sorry guys another long update

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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