Part 64

77 9 1

Deepu says aaru why suddenly from London

She says I came long back

Now you are asking me

I mean Neil said

But I could not believe

That you and me one day

She says life is full of surprises

Deepu says true

They all chit chat

Abhi says neil you guys enjoy we will leave

They leave

Deepika says I never thought about this

Neil says actually

Bhabhi sweet

Deepika says true

They also

Abhi aaru come to house

Harsh says I was waiting for you only

Aaru asks what happened

Harsh says abhi you should go for puna

For medical conference

He says no dad

He asks why

How can leave aaru at time

Rakesh calls her

She says yes rakesh

Rakesh says aaru we have decided about the hospital name

I had received a call

They told they may be coming in two days

So the owner should be available

She says yes

Harsh asks the reason

He says dad aaru is pregnant

I cannot

Aaru comes and says

Abhi tomorrow is not due date

And matter of two days

I could also come with you

The problem is that

I have important work

So I cannot

She says please go for me

It is just 2 days

You go today and come day after tomorrow

He says okay

Harsh says go get ready

Aaru takes abhi to room

Aaru packs his luggage

He says aaru

I have sorted your medicines

Take it okay

She says yes

And compulsory morning exercises

Therapist is coming

And after dinner walk

And even you puke remember about lemon juice

Shall I asks sudeep or varun to come

She says no need


I can manage

And aaru I am not there

Do not go to hospital

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