~On our way to the show~

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DISCLAIMER: I made this story for shits and giggles lmaoo. Hope you enjoy😎!

Sasha and I decided at the very last minute to attend a Justin Bieber concert. I honestly didn't feel like going since I wasn't that much of a fan of his. I actually hated all of his songs. There wasn't a single one that I liked. Somehow, Sasha had convinced me into going by promising to take us to a two-week cruise around Europe. She even offered to pay the $600 tickets for the both of us. That was just how badly she wanted me to go with her to this stupid show. If it wasn't for her bribing me with the cruise tickets, then I never would've agreed to have gone with her to see Justin.

We were five minutes away from the venue. Sasha was driving the car while I was on my phone scrolling through Instagram to see what people were posting. "Hey y/n, you excited for tonight? Cause you know I am!" Sasha eagerly asked me. I rolled my eyes in utter annoyance, clearly still uninterested in this whole concert thing. Sasha was probably the biggest Justin Bieber fan, at least in my eyes she was. She had every single poster of him plastered all over the walls of her room, a whole shrine dedicated just to him, candles that smelled like him, and even more insane stuff. She was one of those fans that you could say have the 'Bieber Fever.' She was annoyingly obsessed with the guy. Sometimes to the point where it would drive me insane. I never understood why so many girls liked him so much. To me, he was just another pop artist that could sort of sing. I'm more of a rock kind of girl anyway. The music he was making just wasn't my taste at all.

We finally arrived at the venue. The minute we pulled up, I was already ready to go back home and eat some pizza. It felt so dumb and pointless. So many girls that never got to see him would die to be in my position right now. I know I should be grateful, but I'm just not. If I could be literally anywhere else, I most definitely would. I hate it here. "Loosen up a little, y/n! We're at a Justin Bieber concert for crying out loud! Do you realize how lucky we are?!" Sasha exclaimed as we were walking up to the venue. I sighed at her, giving her a piece of my mind. "I still don't wanna be here. I don't even know most of his songs or care for them. This is so lame! Like seriously Sasha, out of all the artists, we had to go see him?!" I complained. Sasha looked so disappointed in me. "I bought both of us tickets to a cruise just so you could go with me to this concert. I didn't have to do all that. Why not be a little positive and give the Justin hate a rest? Come on y/n, do this for me. Please?" Sasha begged. I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Let's just get this shit over with." I rudely responded.

I FELL IN LOVE WITH A POP STAR (a typical Justin Bieber fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now