A Royal Encounter

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Official twisted wonderland art

Yuu: "Who the hell are you?!", I exclaimed.

Lilia: "I could ask you the same question stranger", replied the strange red eyed male.

The mysterious fae in armor looked down at the shrouded stranger upside down, who seemingly hid their ears and their scent, making him all the more suspicious of their arrival. On the other side of this interaction, I was both mildly curious and concerned about the fact that he hung upside down before instantly going on their guard as soon as his presence drew near me.

Yuu: "It's custom that the one who was asked first gives thy name first, and if one of us is a stranger I say it's you my good man." "Who in their right mind hangs upside down and stares at someone as they're sleeping then demands a name?"  "I could have harmed you or worse you fool."

Lilia: "How dare you?!" "I watch your tongue when you speak to me, you cur!"

The red eye boy then leaped into a backflip down from the tree branch from which he hanged. He then swiftly pulled his weapon from his armor and pointed it directly at me.

Lilia:  "You are an unfamiliar in sacred territory!" "I can assure you that I'm not the fool here." "You were idiotic enough to slumber in an unfamiliar place full of dangerous traps." "Furthermore, if I am able to sneak up on you so easily and draw my weapon before you can think, then I have no need to fear for my safety." "Which means the one in danger right now is you..human."

I gulped as what appeared to be a green hatchet covered in a rare metal, pointed directly at their face. It occurred to me that this masked man was not to be played with.

Yuu: "How do you know I'm not a monster?", I asked, trying to remain calm. I hadn't expected things to grow hostile so quickly.

Lilia: "How feeble minded do you think I am?" "If you were, then you would have known that monsters have very heightened senses."  "Which means from your scent alone, I could tell that you reek of human blood."  "You might be able to fool an average fae, however unlucky for you, I'm not an average fae." "You aren't one of us.", hissed the masked male. "So I will ask once more and I would be very careful as to how you respond."   "If I suspect any sort of malicious intent, then it will be the end of you." "What...is...your...name and business here...human?!"

Now was the time to start panicking. The point of this mission was to be as invisible as possible. If I gave anyone my real name, it would put a giant target on my back. I have to act fast–think of a fake name. However, my thought process was instantly cut off from his voice suddenly shouting at me.

Lilia: "Well?! Answer me!" "My patience is running low!"

Yuu: "Fine. If you must know, my name is Quinn." "Quinn Watson." "As far as business is concerned I traveled to spend All Hallow's Eve with a Monster friend of mine."

Lilia: "You're joking, right?" "You are aware that monsters and humans are at war right now?" he asked, tilting his head in confusion. "That story sounds just as suspicious as your name."

I felt a wave nervousness wash over my face-I had forgotten about the war. The war was the whole reason my family was employed in the first place. However, I still had to stand my ground and keep up my story.

Quinn: "Well, perhaps some humans have learned accept monsters in society."  "You ever think of that?!" As far as my name is concerned, that's quite rude of you!" "It wasn't my choice to make." "Anyway, if my name's so suspicious, let's hear yours then."

Lilia: "Hm, not likely. Especially if your supposed friend is from here." "No Briar Vallian would be caught dead with someone like you.", laughed the armored individual. "For all I know, you could be an enemy trying to invade Briar valley." "Therefore, my name is of no importance to you." "All you need to know is that I'm just a Royal guard." "However, if it's that important to address me by a name, then why don't you pick one for me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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