Japanese Horror Dream

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So this was wild. Basically my fiance and I go ghost hunting a lot and watch a lot of paranormal videos. We just got done watching some before bed. We also have been wanting to visit Japan so that's been on my mind lately. And my ADHD brain went "perfect" and combined the concepts into a dream where I kid you not, it was the most terrifying thing I've experienced. The dream follows that we went to Japan on a ghost hunting tour and as we're talking to a local, my dream decides to take us to the location as I hear the local woman narrate. That being said, I'll now explain in detail the most terrifying thing I've experienced. No gore or anything just atmosphere.

[B] Dream:

Us: Next on our list is a Japanese Theater (a modern concert hall)

Local: Oh no no no! You do not want to go to a Japanese Theater!!

Us: We understand it will be haunted but is it really that bad?

*In typical dream fashion we are transported to a concert hall while she is narrating in the background*

We end up sitting in the middle of an active concert with probably about a thousand people. Everyone is listening to some Japanese pop music and having a great time.

Local: You'll be there, everyone rocking out to some Japanese music, all will be great until.... The whole hall, hundreds sometimes thousands of people, goes dead silent. Even the music stops. Even mid song. And everyone sits in silence, listening.

The concert goes completely quiet and the air fills with a lot of tension. No one makes a sound, no one moves, it's as if everything is frozen in time. Everything is still and the air feels like it can be sliced the tension is so thick. My fiance and I exchange looks.

Local: They can imitate noises...

*As she brings up the various sounds, they happen in the dream*

Local: they know what a peanut shell sounds like, or a pebble, or even a bag opening.... But no one is moving no one is making a sound....

*I begin to start waking up so the dream starts to fade, all I hear is one last line*

Local: And the worst part...? He is always watching....

Japanese Horror DreamWhere stories live. Discover now