The Beginning - Part 1

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The beginning...

"Don't I know you?" she asked him. He stood in front of her, misery across his face, eyes openly afraid.

"No, I don't think so," he answered, dread in every syllable. He knew he'd promised that he would stop this following of her, what could only be described as haunting. Which made sense, he thought with some bitterness. He was only half-alive without her, and yet he was forbidden to speak to her, to connect again with her. She had said it would only make things worse, and that it might anger Raziel, the angel who had punished her for using her runes to save the world. But now, this...why could she see him?

He had followed her everyday for a year. He had watched over her, trying to make sure she was never in any danger. Just to share the same air with her was a balm for his loneliness, but again today, Simon had known and warned him off. He supposed it was selfish. After all, the very act of following her was acting against the angel's wishes. But surely it couldn't cause harm? It wasn't as though he would be anywhere else; this was his own time and he was hardly likely to be out meeting other people. As far as he was concerned, there was no one else and there never would be.

But now this...

"No I definitely're Jace," she smiled at him. Her smile was like the sun breaking through the clouds after months of grey. He felt its warmth light him from the inside and he smiled. As she looked at him gazing at her with such quiet joy and hope in that moment, Clary studied his face. She was sure, his face was so familiar. How could she know him? How could this heartbreakingly beautiful person have sauntered in her art show, standing there with sadness radiating from him, be now standing before her looking as though she was pure air after not being able to breathe?

She felt her heart pounding as she reached out to him, not wishing to let whatever this was end too quickly. Something caught her eye, the markings on his neck coming out of his white tshirt.

"What are these tattoos on your neck?" Clary touched his shoulder, on his shirt just where his runes emerged from the neckline of his t-shirt, and he turned his head away, unsure of what to say. Jace hadn't expected this, hadn't even hoped ever to be touched by her again, and here she was, and he didn't know what to do. All he could do was stand there, gazing at her, hope shining out of him as she looked into his eyes. Her gaze was warm, as she looked at him, and he didn't dare to hope. Might she actually remember? Was it coming back?

He stood there, frozen, breathing in the cool air of the night, not even noticing the scents of the alley around him. All he could do was wait, and hope, that her memories were whispering to her. He gazed at her, as she looked into his eyes, her own searching, seemingly frustrated at some knowledge just out of reach. Gathering his courage, he raised hand to, he didn't know, touch her hair, brush her cheek, when behind him he heard a yell.

"Watch out!"

He started, paying attention to his surroundings for the first time. Skittering noises were coming from behind him, and he turned, seeing several ravener demons coming out of the shadows. He turned, keeping Clary behind him, drawing his seraph blade and calling it to life. Intent on the demons before him, he pushed fear for Clary back and did what he had been born to do, whirling and slicing until nothing but the last shimmering light of a disintegrating demon was left. Catching his breath, he looked around to see where the warning had come from, instead seeing a single demon launch itself at Clary, moving quickly. She ducked, holding the pipe which she had somehow managed to grab and swinging to knock the lizard-like creature away, but not before its stinging tail scored her side through her thin shirt. 

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