The Beginning Part 3

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Magnus was settling down with his martini for the evening, anticipating it's first tangy bite as it slipped past his lips and down his throat. It had been a busy day running his business in Idris, but a good one. He felt at peace, for the most part, with his lot in life. The expanse of his days, hundreds of years worth, had taught him to be grateful for the small things, and the not so small things. So he sat, chilled martini in hand, waiting for Alec, the love of his life, to arrive home.

The last year had been eventful, and though it started with sadness, with Clary's memories gone and disappearance back into the mundane world, it had had its brightnesses. Alec was Inquisitor of Idris, and able to bring much-needed changed to the relationship between the Downworld and the Clave. It wasn't perfect, but there was movement. Magnus was finding himself busy working with those of Idris, mending wards and lending his extensive skills to those who needed them. To be fair, business was booming, he thought, as he smiled in satisfaction to himself, looking out the window to the wards around the main city.

Now, a drink, he thought. I deserve it and I have a lot to celebrate. Settling into his chair, he had no sooner gotten comfortable than his phone rang and a fire message sparked into life beside him. Reflexes borne of hundreds of years of surprises allowed him to grasp both at the same time. The fire message was from Alec

"Jace needs me, I'll be late", was all it said.

Of course, thought Magnus, with a small sigh. Despite his fondness for Alec's parabatai, he was also aware that he had been half himself since the departure of Clary from the Shadow World, and a source of constant worry for Alec. Setting aside this small worry, eyebrows lifting when he saw the caller ID on his phone.

"Jace", he answered, "Alec is on his way. Can I help with anything?" Pausing, he listened for a moment, his face paling. "Of course, I'm on my way."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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