Fresh Meat and Sweet Heat

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Start writing your story

Being in collage, you don't really have a life or people to hangout with since everyone around you was an immature frat  boy or girl trying to see who was the biggest baddest and hottest person around and whose tits and dick basically decided whose head honcho if you get what i mean. So to pass the time you head to the library and look for the non PG section to spice up your evening, when our of nowhere your obnoxious yet amazing bestfriend pops out infront of yo with a startling "BOO!" Which makes you freeze in your tracks and grab by our chest. "Jeez! Ralo!" You say slightly punching his shoulder as you continue to walk on. "My bad bestie, i just happened took see you walk this way in the hall so i thought id surprise you." He shrugs playfully and continues "but I didn't mean to almost make you literally shit yourself' he giggles with his girlishness, "you've honestly have been uptight and jumpy recently girl what's going on" he stops crossing g his arms giving you a worried yet serious face. You stop and think of all the things going on right now that you yourself hadn't even taken apart let alone trying to explain it to someone else, but what could you do? He was your bestfriend since 5th grade. Your moms went to prom together and where at each others weddings. He was practically family. So instead of giving him a bullshit lie that you know he would see through or spilling everything right then and there, you just simply say, "I honestly have a lot going on with my relationship and family that's i just dont even wanna think about right now... But I promise ill tell you everything. Just not today, im sorry". You look at him with an apologetic look and he reluctantly accepts its and gives you a hug. "Well ok but dont keep secrets from me ok im always here and its not healthy to hold it in for to long". You nod and hug back tightly and then proceed to say you have to get going so you carry on checking out a series's of new but erotic books, enough to preoccupy your next couple evenings and head to your little vintage suburb home in the middle of a pretty nice New York neighborhood.

???'s POV:(until identified 💀 will be the person indicator)

'Man oh man how I LOVE the smell of  blood of a crisp New York night' 💀 exclaimed and he tore his knife out of a rib cage belonging to a pretty little blonde who was now limp bleeding out on the floor. He dropped her limp body that he was holding up by the hair on her head to take a picture with since was proud of his work, pocketed his phone and kept walking. Wiping the blood from his precious knife straight onto his jet black Cargo pants, he's starts to hear the clicking of heel boots walking down the alleyway in his direction so he quickly dipped into the shadows between two buildings as a female maybe 26 or so 5'5ish thick all the way around with a little bit of tummy. Her outfit wasn't to flashy but had an appealing flares. Raven black hair and a cardigan to match, hitting her at about calf length, a form fitting dark purple dress that came to her thighs and seemed to made of a shimmering silk fabric that when in certain light it had  green tint. Her boots were thigh high to accommodate the length of her dress and wear suede textured. She was so zoned out in what ever world her little head was stuck in, that she didn't see him start to slowly stalk behind her. She kept walking and he proceeded to follow possibly making her his next target  but that dream was short lived when  she turned onto a Main Street that headed straight to the collage campus and other students where around, so instead of a screen an d possibly getting caught ford the first time EVER, he dodged back into then shadows and watched her from the tree line. Watched and followed silently, as she walked around idiots drunk frats and hoed out cheerleaders and walked straight into the library. Loosing sight of her amongst the mazes of book shelves, he decided to post up in a near by true like a weirdo and just wait for her to come out, knowing she couldn't stay in there all night.

~about 20 minutes or so later~

He hears the door open kind of suddenly and there she was now with a full arm of books and a definite quickness in  her step. At least from as far as he could tell, it seemed as if something had happened in there and in a very short time too because he realized she wasn't in there for very long. She walks with no regard of anything around her the only sound really to be heard is the sound of her heels. He notices that she has started to slow down as she comes up to a very small yet nice New York suburb styled house in a what seems like a decent neighborhood. Not wanting to bring attention himself, he stalks off to the side of her porch in some deep bushes and waits patiently as she lets herself in and closes the door behind her.

Your POV:

You have a lot flooding your head at this very moment, so you wanted to do as you walked through doors was scream and cry. But instead, you just set your stuff down on the kitchen counter and make your way to the couch trying to slowly process everything you where going to need to take care of in the next couple of days. You hadn't told a lot of people other than your immediate family and bestfriend that you were in a relationship and had been for almost a year. But things took a turn when you found out that your significant other was cheating on more then  just finals and not with someone you would've thought. In fact, they were the complete and total opposite in every way, INCLUDING gender. Your boyfriend cheated on you with another dude. And honestly if he would've just told you how he truly was feeling, then all of this could've been avoided. Maybe even ended on good terms. But as soon as someone from his friend group finds out.... It's all over. Not just for you but for him. You are gonna be know as the girl who was so bad at being a girl friend that he man choose a guy over her and he's gonna loose that almighty glory about him cause a lot of his friends and people around the school are still assholes about lgbtq... but he did it to himself. At this point you just REEEEALLY didn't want to deal with your parents backlash and input on her love life, because they just 'looooved him so much' and 'he was so perfect how could i have screwed this up'.. you honestly sometimes thought to yourself, 'well then make HIM your son... and'.... But enough of that. You decided to just unwind with a nice hot shower, eat some ramen, and watch some anime then read till you fall asleep. Getting up from the couch you head in the direction of your room. Totally feeling like a bad animal parent you quick your pace to open your partially cracked door to be greeted with a black and white cow patterned Akita sleeping like a cat near the top of your bed. You smiled and slowly approached and gently blew on your dogs face knowing your deaf puppy would get really startled if you weren't careful. Feeling your gentle blows your ice blue-eyed fur baby opens his eyes and wags his tails giving hello awoos and licking your face. "Hiii Sonic~ Hello my baby~" you scratch behind his ears and under his collar then give him some treats, proceeding to then grab your pjs and towel so you could take a well needed shower.

"Let Me Hear You Scream"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora