Let's See What We Have Here

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???'s POV:

He's been watching her every move. From the kitchen to the back door and just patiently observing her patterns and the way she goes about her life. He doesn't normally get this much into it with his victims, but hey a victim to watch like movie sounded like fun to him and new. He heard her get up abruptly from her couch and start to walk down her hallway. He quickly ducked under then window as to not be seen. After he doesn't hear her foots steps walking around anymore he takes a minute to scope out a way in. Luckily, or probably because she lived in a really good neighborhood, her back door was unlocked. 'Straight ticket to the prize babeh' he says lowly as he gently closes the door behind him. Taking a nice a good look around, he starts to walk around and observe the place. "Well well, little miss moody... this might be more fun than I anticipated" he smirked and said to himself. Continuing one, he makes his way to her room and notices a dog laying their cleaning itself awkwardly, not turning to look at him in the slightest. " well hello gorgeous and who are you" when the dog didnt turn to look at him when he was addressed, 💀 thought to himself for a second.. "oh shit.. are you deaf bud" he says squatting down his leather boots making a weird squeak and starts to slowly walk up to the bed, and as he does the dogs head shoots up and he starts to growl lowly but 💀puts out his hand for the pup to smell and he doe's reluctantly. After a few seconds the dog's talk starts to lightly wags in acceptance. Seeing this, 💀 stands up and looks around taking in everything. Noticing you have book shelves surrounding the bottom portion of you walls. "A book nerd are we?" He states looking down at a few books when a few caught his eyes.
Let Me Hear You~ written By QBC ((my initials))
He opens the first page and reads the description. His eyes get bigger and bigger and he reads a random section from this book. "Woah!" He exclaims as he slams the book shut and places it back where he had grabbed it. "Women and the things they like" he shivers with a slight tingle. He had just read some very erotic passages of someone who REALLY resembles him. He shook off the feeling and went to carry on snooping until he heard what sounded like a shower turning off. So he took this quick opportunity to stash himself under her bed. He knew it was cliche but where else was he gonna go, and by the looks f it she didn't look under hear often cause there was nothing down here.

Your POV:

You had really needed and enjoyed that shower so much that you were now wide awake instead of sluggish and tired. You made your way to your room put your clothes in the dirty hamper and ran the towel through your wet hair a few times before hanging your towel upon a hook that was on the inner side of your door. Deciding to go make your evening meal and get ready for some well awaited anime, you headed to the kitchen and grab all your ingredients to make yourself some Japanese styled ramen to fit the theme and made some tea.

~~time skip~~

Finally finishing up your food and watching the end credits from the episode of One Piece scroll passed on your TV screen, you stretched out of the comfortable position your had been sitting in and go to take your dish to the kitchen and refill your tea. As you get off your bed you couldn't help but feel like you weren't alone. And you had been feeling that way since you got home. Like someone was watching you in the shadows. But you knew that wasn't possible since you where now single and your parents where never home. Continuing on to the kitchen and shaking off the feeling, you make it to the sink rinse your dish and leave it there to completely take care of in the morning. She looked at the lock and it was now 10:30 or so, just the right time to grab a book and get relaxed in her bed for the rest of the night till she felt eased enough to drift into sleep. So she headed back to her room and proceeded to crawl into bed. After a few minutes with her eyes closed, she grunts in annoyance needing to go pee but not wanting to get out of her warm cozy sheets. Giving in cause he really needed to go to the bathroom she swinging her feet to the floor slips on her slippers and heads to the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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