Regional Survival (Pokemon Hunger Games CrossOver)

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My Charzard fell to the ground, and struggled to get up.

"Get up Charzard! Show Archer what your made of!" I called out to my remaining Pokemon.

Charzard stood his ground and stood up, roaring.

Archer chuckled, "Stubborn one, aren't you? But do you really expect to win? Every other Pokedex holder has tried and failed to defeat us. You are the last one."

I took a step back. Archer was right. But it was all the reason for me to win. If I lost, not only Pallet Town, not only Kanto, but the WHOLE WORLD would be forced to bow down to Team Rocket!

I growl, "I'm not giving up! Charzard! BlastBurn!"

Charzard nodded and let out its most powerful attack, making Archer's Crobat faint.

Archer lets out a low chuckle, "That was just my first Pokemon. And your Charzard is wounded. Do you really think that you can have that Pitiful Charzard defeat my other five Pokemon?" He sent out a Houndoom, and I can't help of think of my old friend, Elishia. She had a Houndoom. If she were here, Team Rocket would be gone for good, but she had left Kanto years ago, and I hadn't seen her since.

"Why aare you spacing out? Does Houndoom remind you of someone? Like, your friend Elishia?" Archer's voice snapped me back and I see Elishia tied up behind him much to my surprise. I then feel something sharp on my neck and I can see the claws of Silver's Sneazle barely, "Your finished."

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