Tragedy 33

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Part 2 of the drawing I had for last chapter!

Anyway story-
"No wonder you look so pale! You need to get out more!" Fuyuhiko said to her.

All the remnants was looking at Luniar as Fuyuhiko said that to her. "Have you eaten?" Nagito asked Luniar.

Luniar didn't say anything to them and just looked down at the floor instead. The remnants got their answer and simply sighed to themselves. Luniar looked at everyone and then looked glanced away.

"We have a pool out back." Luniar said to them all.

"A pool?!" Sonia exclaimed and gave a huge smile on her face.

Luniar explained where the extra swim suits are and watched as the remnants ran off to go and find the rooms. Luniar stayed where she was and so did Izuru. He watched the remnants run off and then turned his attention back towards Luniar.

Both of them staying in silence for a little bit until they heard the remnants run back down. And out the back to go into the pool. Izuru got up and started to walk out but stopped at the door way. Glancing back towards Luniar as he did. "It would be boring if you died. Do no neglect your health." Izuru spoke and walked to the remnants.

Luniar watched as he walked away and that's when she got up from the sofa herself. She started to walk out to the pool and noticed that Izuru was stood in the door way. "Ain't you going to join them Izu?" She asked him.

"Yeah! Hajime! Come and join us!" Nagito shouted out.

"No. I do not wish to get my suit wet." Izuru said to them all.

Luniar walked out and sat down on the chair that was out there. She was under an umbrella that was attached to the table. The girls going over to her straight away, Mikan laying her head on Luniar's lap, Hiyoko and Mahiru sat around her. Sonia and Akane sat with her too. Ibuki was sat on the floor as well with Mikan. The boys trying to get Izuru in the poor so the girls decided to talk amongst themselves.

"I'm surprised you and Hajime seem to be getting along despite what happened Luniar!" Mahiru said to her.

Luniar kept her eyes on how the boys was trying to get Izuru into the pool and Izuru avoiding them. Seems to be amused with what is happen. "he is only here because he is entertained, when he gets bored he will most likely leave." Luniar said to them.

"That cannot be true. He asked you out did he not! Hajime would never do something like that." Sonia said to Luniar.

Luniar stayed quiet and just watched as Izuru started to walk away, Izuru walked over and sat on the opposite side of the table to the girls. "You got bored did you Izu?" Luniar asked him.

"Yes they became predictable." Izuru answered her

That's when Luniar nodded her head at Izuru's words. The girls looking between them and then back at Luniar. Luniar noticing that the girls are looking at her and got up. "I'll go make the drinks now." She said and started to walk away.

All the girls got up and ran after her saying they will help as well. Leaving the boys confused and looked at Izuru, who was looking at the iPad he had in his hand. "what?" He asked them.

"I seem to recall you saying that Luniar is someone who is forever changing but staying the same at the same time. Hajime do you mean her despair by any chance?" The imposter asked him.

"Yes, Luniar Yamas despair is something that is changing constantly something that can give unpredictable future. She gives someone hope to only give them despair." Izuru replied eyes still on the iPad Infront of him.

"Hajime! Do you like being with Luniar then?" Nagito asked.

". . . I guess you could say that yes. She's different from everyone. She isn't annoying and she can actually give me entertainment." Izuru said to them all.

Luniar came back out with the girls after a big, with a tray of drinks, all of them being colourful and bright, she placed them down and sat next to Izuru again. The boys looking between eachother and then back at Luniar. "Is this poisoned?" Fuyuhiko asked her.

"No it's not."

They all looked over to Izuru when he spoke and saw he was already drinking one of the drinks. Luniar stayed silent and held out her hand. Izuru giving her the iPad. "No updates yet." He spoke back to her.

"So then, Junko Enoshima isn't just annoying she's slow too."

Annnd that's that for this chapter! I still can't believe this is taken over 30 chapters to write however I think we are half way through the tragedy part of Luniar's story! And yes just incase I haven't told you guys. I have started the story after the game too!

That story is started on when Luniar is in neo world pod and waking up. I didn't jump right to the battle where Hajime was in charge no, I started before that, and slowly working up to that trust me it's a good reason for me to do that.

Anyway bye for now

To be continued!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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