Why am I different? What'd i do wrong?

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I sat there in shock and backed away from the river I shifter back into a human and laid my back against a tree "why am I different, what did I do wrong?" I ask myself crying why couldn't I be born normal I fell down to the ground crying "why can't I be normal!?" I yelled loudly "please just tell me!" I yelled super loud and laid on the ground the dirt climbing into my clothes, grass staining my white button up shirt my jeans were muddy and dirt and tears stained my face my eyes were already red and puffy dirt was in my hair I couldn't breathe I couldn't be born normal "WHY!" I yelled loud enough for anybody to hear I would have to head home soon but I didn't want to I was to hurt it's to scary for me I felt sick I felt weird, everything felt like it was injured I sat up and looked back at the river and splashed water in my face it was cold. I wanted to scream again I was scared I was hurt "AHHHHH!" I screamed louder and louder and louder I breathed in and out as birds flew away.

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