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"Harry Potter is dead," Voldemort laughed as Hagrid put his body to the ground.

A scream could be heard and upon closer inspection it was professor Mcgonagall who screamed. Jane's heart broke seeing the bravest person she ever knew sound so broken.

But hearing those words changed the world, everything had turned dark and gloomy. She felt like a dementor was stalking her every move. Fear gripped her, fear gripped everyone for Harry was their last hope and with him gone there was no light.

Seeing Harry's dead body was like being pulled under water. She can't breathe, she needs to escape, somewhere, anywhere, away from here. She needs to get away from the death eaters and the image of Harry’s limp body. The way hope seemed to die on everyone’s faces as they stared at the boy who lived, now dead.

She doesn’t remember leaving, she just remembers seeing Harry’s body and the need to get away. The urge to throw up overwhelming her. She couldn’t face that, she didn’t want to face that, her brother dead, hope dead. So she ran, she ran as fast as her legs could  carry her until finally she stopped.

Jane finally looks around wondering where she’d ran to, she sniffs back tears as she realises she’s in the headmaster’s office. Yet Snape is nowhere to be seen, probably at the Dark Lord’s side she thinks bitterly. It’s strange though, normally the office is locked behind the stone gargoyle but it must have been open, Jane doesn’t know the password to get in.

Jane walks around the room glancing at the different objects. It’s odd how little it had changed since Dumbledore died, a lot of his things remaining in place. Maybe it wasn’t his stuff, she ponders, perhaps the trinkets get passed down from headmaster to headmaster

Still, she thought Snape would have gotten rid of anything even linked to Dumbledore. This all certainly reminded her of her old headmaster. She sighs making her way over to the desk in the middle of the room, her legs aching from the run. She needs to sit down, to process everything that’s happening. What her plan of action is going to be.

Unfortunately her eyes are strained from crying, meaning she trips on the step before her. She stumbles haphazardly towards one of the displays at the side of the room. She throws her hands out in front of her, hoping it will reduce the impact of her fall and not damage too many of the objects before her. However, she still hits the shelves full force, knocking the silver instruments, potions and what seems to be ruin stones to the floor with a loud bang, her in the middle of it all.

Just before she hits the ground she feels a sick pulling sensation at her navel, the world spins around her and she can’t figure which way is up or down.

It must be the adrenalin from the battle, she thinks. Her head still whirling uncontrollably.

She lies on the floor trying to catch her breath and calm her mind. She’s not sure how long she lies there for, but it must be a while considering the world is spinning faster than normal.

Slowly she opens her eyes, running a hand over her head. Odd, its bright daylight now, the sun was only just starting to rise when she walked in there. She must have been out for hours. Slowly she manoeuvres herself into a sitting position. Noticing as she does so, a lack of mess around her. No potions or instruments. No evidence of her clumsiness. Maybe someone came in cleaned up around her.

A wave of nausea suddenly hits her, causing her to double over clutching her stomach. She’s just glad she’s still sat down as she wobbles a little, the dizziness hitting her forcefully. Slowly she starts to rise from the floor, gripping the shelves beside her for support.

Jane groans as she moves her arms and legs, she’s aching all over though she doesn’t know if it’s from the impact of the fall or from the previous battle. Probably a mix of both, she concludes.

She stretches her arms and legs before glancing around the room, something is off. This is the headmaster’s office alright, but it’s different. Like things are missing or changed. She can’t quite put her finger on what though.

She sighs shaking her head slightly, she must be concussed.

Perhaps the death eaters had raided it after they won. No that couldn’t be, they won they wouldn’t need to raid it, it was there’s now. They probably wouldn’t have left her alive either.

She looks down at her clothes. She’s wearing her black jeans with purple t shirt on top, unfortunately, ripped in places, scorched in others and completely covered in blood and dust.

She sighs thinking how much she loves this top. If only Voldemort could have given them enough notice to change into their scruffs.

Oh well she thinks, we’ve lost more important things than favourite t-shirts. The thought stabbing at her heart. She reluctantly wanders towards the door. No need to put off the inevitable, the quicker she does this the quicker it’ll be over with.

She stumbles through the corridors trying to find someone, anyone who can tell her where they stood now. What was happening with the magical world, are they about to be carted off to Azkaban? Tortured for years until they’re insane? What was going to happen?

But there’s no one. Nothing. Literally nothing, no rubble, no bodies. Nothing to suggest a battle had just taken place. It looks like a nice normal sunny day at Hogwarts. It makes her feel sick to her stomach. That’s something she can never have again.

There’s no one around, none of the students, the order or death eaters. How long had she been out? As she turns another corner, she hears footsteps and a curious voice calling out.

“Excuse me, can I help you?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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