
49 2 10

irl, text messages, social media


well..this is not how i expected to start my senior year. last night i found out that my boyfriend of 2 and a half years was dating another girl. this shit SUCKS. I have to go to school today and I do not want to. I know that I'll have Ameila by my side, but we only have 2 classes. the rest of my classes are with either Trevor or Jack. which is going to be awkward since I also overheard Trevor say that he's crushing on me last night.

at school

I don't know how I'm supposed to do this. I haven't talked to Jake since I saw the post last night and I really don't want to. but I know it has to be done.

text messages

jake 💕

pls answer me.


im begging you.

i didn't mean for you to
find out this way

please answer so i
know you're okay


                                                 if we are gonna talk
                                              it has to be in person.



"before you say anything. please let me explain what happened" jake said, "Emily and i had some history before you and i started dating. before i even knew you. I thought I would end up with her, but then she got a boyfriend, and you and I met, and you were just gonna be a rebound. BUT then I really got to know you and I fell HARD for you Kota. I really do love you. she reached out a couple months ago and said her and her boyfriend recently broke up and wanted to know if we could catch up. I should have said...." I cut him off there.

"you should have said no Jake. it's that simple you had a girlfriend. you shouldn't be entertaining other girls when you have a girlfriend. there is no excuse for that Jake. I don't want to hear anymore of this sob story. we are done. end of discussion. end of us." I walk away from him not wanting to hear anymore.

I get to my first period and there's only one open seat. great. it's by Trevor. I really don't want to deal with his antics today but I guess I have to.

listen. I have nothing personally against trevor but he's very loud in the mornings and I cannot deal with that this morning.

he seems to sense my stress "you okay kota? i know what happened last night and that was...well" he says "I'm okay, definitely been better but nothing i can't get through after a while"

"but you guys were together for 2 and a half years and he just threw it all away for her?"

"yea, I guess he did. but that was his decision to make, not mine, and he decided to do it and cheat. so he lost me"

"well if there's one thing I know, it's that I definitely wouldnt do that to you"

"what-" I'm cut off by the teacher starting class, now I'm stuck in my own thoughts. did he really just say that? did he just say he wouldn't cheat on me if I were his? was I hearing things.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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