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a girl, named knicora, sat on the small chopped down tree trunk and looked out at the outcast of a sunset that she had drawn so long ago. her life was a mistake, she won't let it be denied by her demond of a soul. she was happy yet sad for a reason that she didnt know.

Knicora stood up letting her small white dress flow freely in the breeze. she looked down at the sweet dress with tear filled eyes then looked up. "i can do it...i can end it or go to the hospital for somekind of stupid rather die though..." she looked back at the tree wich called her name.

Knicora took small steps, her bare feet shuffling through the tall green grass. she got to the tree and had a vision of her and her father when she was little. this was the same tree that her mother and father were buried by. no tombstones, just dirt.

She let her tears fall silently and softly. she touched the tree with her fingertips then huged it, sobbing to herself. She wanted it all to be over with. She looked up at the tree branch.

She climbed up the tree and reached for the extending branch that seemed miles away from her fingers. Finally she grabbed hold of it and let her body dangle, her dress dancing in the wind. She looked up at her hand, with a strong grip, tightly securing the branch in her hand.

Knicora lifted her right hand to her ponytail and pulled out the hair tie, wich was a white ribbon, tied into a bow that was no more. Her long ginger hair streamed in the wind like moving through the water.

She smiled and grabed the branch with her other hand, still holding the ribbon tight in her right hand. Knicora lifted herself onto the branch and sat, looking out at the rest of  the plains.

Knicora looked at the ribbon and wrapped it around her palm and fingers, tucking the end tightly inside the wrap.

She clenched her fist and heard rustling of the grass as footsteps accrued behind her. She looked behind her to see a person wearing a hoodie and baggy, black pants that had a dagger in its belt loop. Knicora couldn't see the face of the person thanks to the hood.

The person got closer, directly under the branch that Knicora was sitting on, then jumped and gripped the tree limb, pulling up to sit next to the ginger.


Hey guys sorry if i spell wrong but it is like, my first story ever really and im planning on making a YouTube series. So i hope you like it i can try to update every day i dont know mutch but yeah, i have no real plans for the story l, just making it up as i go along! Okay bye bye!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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