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Mackenzie's Pov

"Kenz, darling get out of bed! Don't want be late for your first day or your new school,do you?" Mom screams at me. I groan and get out of bed.

I take a shower and when I'm out I put in my ripped designer jeans and black top with my floral cover. "You look cute." Maddie tells me. "Don't I look a bit of too...girly?" "Girly is good as long as you aren't too girly. Your perfect just as you are. With some white converse. "

I take her advice and pull on my white converse. "Breakfast,girls!" I eat my buttered toast and drink my refreshing orange juice before heading back upstairs.

I get out my galaxy bag and pack everything the school gave me. I go to the bathroom and put on some lipgloss and mascara.

On my way downstairs, I realised I still hadn't done my hair. Really quickly, I put it into a ponytail but it didn't look right. Bun? Perfect. I hurry back down to find my mom waiting on me.

"Excited for your first day?" My mom asks. "Nuh-uh." I reply, paying attention to my Instagram. "What you doing?" "Instagram,"I say. " If you know what that is. She shakes her head and I sigh. "Social network, its a social network." "Like myface?" i laugh at her silly comment. "A) if you face is a social network omg. B) its MySpace not myface. C) Even Facebook is getting out of style, MySpace is long out of style." "Your here!'" Mom says excitedly.

"Bye,Kenz, love ya! Have a good day, be good!" ughh...so embarrassing. I can just see everyone laughing at me. I walk inside the building with confidence, even though i had none.

From: Miranda
morning❤hows school?

its like 8:48 here and ur still saying morning? and it hasn't even started yet!

technically it still is morning so don't try acting smart because we know who would win the smart battle. me obvs. anyways gtg✌

nuh-uh im smarter keep dreaming bby, and ttyll the bells ringing rn

That was my best friend. Well is. "Hey, you new? Ive never seen you around. You lost?"a girl asks. " Um...yeah I'm new and I am slightly lost. I'm unsure which lesson I have right now?" I tell the brunette."Oh I'm Brooke by the way." "Kenzie, well Mackenzie but just call me kenz or kenzie."

"Okay, have they given you a timetable?" "Yep, its in my bag I think." I rummage through everything in my bag and nothing. "Ughh I must've left it at home." "Okay, have you got the diary planner whatever its called. " "Yes, its right here." I say pulling out the small book. "RSRO" she reads. "Same as me! Mrs. Rogers. We need to get your timetable before first period. "

She takes me down the long hallway and after what seems like ages, she stops in front of a class. "Sorry I'm late Mrs.Rogers, I was showing the new girl around. Her names Mackenzie. Well not showing her around really, but trying to help her find out where to go." Mrs.Rogers smiles and gestures for us to take a seat.

"Mickinze,phy don't you tell
Us a little about yourself?" Her strong accent changed up so many words and I was unable to recognise it. It sounded French,Spanish, German and another unusal accent I couldn't recognise.

"I'm Mackenzie. Kenzie or Kenz is my nickname. I have a sister named Maddie or Madison. Amm what else? Well I'm 13 years old,14 in June. I like to dance and I'm self-taught. I think that's it?" I say nervously.

"Mickinze that was ixcillent!" I smiled as everyone applauded. They were so nice... and I don't like nice. Nice hurts your feelings in the end. Just like Mrs.Parkers

So what it wad years ago? I mafe myself a promise im not looking to break. Now they are probably married and have kids...okayy eeww!

That is part 2
hope you liked it, i do!
xx bèyonce

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