Aurora, Mr America

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LOKI'S SEPTOR STOOD SECURELY, in Sokovia surrounded by Struckers fortress. Loud thuds echoed from outside, alarms began to ring all over the building, HYDRAS men fumbled around everywhere, reaching into every cupboard, typing on each computer, panic was written all over their faces. "Report to you stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack!" Struckers voice crackled through the speakers, the Maximoff siblings stood in the corner of a room. Wanda held Pietro's hand for comfort, Aurora stayed on the look out for any danger. Struckers voice ringed through the speakers, panicking. Soldiers burst through the doors, fighting whatever was attacking them. Strucker walked up the stone steps, he wrapped his coat around himself.

"Who ordered the attack?" He demanded, a worker came forward and spoke up.

"It's the Avengers." Another man cut him off . "They landed in the far woods. The perimeter guard panicked." He explained.

Struckers turned to Dr. List. "They have to be after the secptor, can we hold them?" Strucker asked, the worker gulped before speaking up once again.

"They're the Avengers-" Strucker cut him off by giving everyone else orders. "Deploy the rest of the tanks! Concentrate fire on the weak ones." Strucker said walking back over to Dr. List.

"Everything we've accomplished.. but we're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough." Strucker complains.

"Then let's show them what we've accomplished." Dr. List indicates his head towards the siblings. "Send out the siblings."

Strucker shook his head. "It's too soon."

"It's what they signup for" Dr List scoffed. Strucker shook his head again. "My men can hold them."

Strucker gathered many more of his men into the current room, and began to announce a whole speech. "We will not yield! The Americans sent their circus freaks to test us. We will send them back in bags. No surrender!" Voices repeated the words back to Strucker, he leaned towards Dr List. "I'm going to surrender"

Hearing this, Aurora knew that is wasn't a good idea to stay in the building and hide away, she singled to her brother to get her sister and follow her. Aurora super sped out of the building and exited through the train track, following behind her was Pietro and her sister.

"I'll go one way, you two go another." Aurora says to them, Pietro nods before running away again still ahold of his younger sister. Aurora shivered at the temperature, frost fell from the tree with every blow from the wind. Aurora teleported from behind tree to another, until she spotted an Avenger. His navy blue suit caught her eye, Captain America. She watched as he caught himself on his knees, as he was compramised by Pietro before hand.

"We have an Enhanced in the field" He said lifting his index finger to his ear, before beginning to sprint. Aurora saw this time to mess with him. She watched him use his famous shield to fight off all of Struckers men. Aurora used her powers to create a neon, honey orange ball around it. Captain America looked confused, "Maybe we have more than one Enhanced on the field." He reported, trying to gain original grip onto his shield. "Stark, we really need to get inside." Captain America swung his arm around, breaking the field around it and injuring one of Struckers men.

Aurora groaned at the fact she used up most of her energy escape, she quickly hid herself between more trees, waiting to see a sign of her brother or sister anywhere. Her head snapped towards the sound of a twig snapping, she saw Wanda trying to do the same thing. Aurora sprinted over to her, grabbing onto her shoulder and teleporting them both back inside of the building. "What about Pietro?" Wanda panicked, looking outside of the window.

"He'll be fine." Aurora spoke, snapping her fingers, getting Wanda's focus back on her. Aurora heard shooting in the distance of the building, she hid her sister behind her just in case. Aurora sense heartbeats that surround her, below her she sensed Tony Stark and to her left she sensed Steve Roger's. "Wanda, you go get Stark, I'll deal with Mr America." Aurora said, Wanda nodded and walked off into the dark halls of the building. Aurora hid behind a wall and watched Strucker run up the stairs, one of his men was thrown through the doorway, Strucker stopped in his path. Captain America walked through the doorway holding his shield in his right hand.

"Baron Strucker. Hydras number one thug" Captain America said taking a step forward.

"Technically, I'm a thug for SHEILD" Strucker replied.

"Well, then technically you're unemployed." Captain America snapped back. "Where's Lokis sceptre?"

Strucker sighed, "Don't worry. I know when I'm beat." Strucker said, Aurora slowly walked forward making herself aware to the other two. "You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope."

"I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation," Captain America announced, Aurora stopped before the broad man in the super suit could see her. "How many are there?"

Aurora used her powers to throw Captain America down the steps Strucker came up before Strucker could answer. She knew if Strucker told him, her and her siblings would be taken away by the avengers. "One of the Enhancements are inside, female. Do not engage." Captain America looked at the girl who stood my Strucker.

"You'll have to be faster than-" The super-soldier threw his shield at Strucker making him connect with the wall, Aurora moved out of so she wasn't impacted.

"Impressive abilities." Captain America said to Aurora , still holding his shield in defence.

"Colourful shield." Aurora said coldly. She watched Captain America lift his fingers up to his ears and announce to his team that he had Strucker.

"What's your name?" Captain America asked, slowly placing his shield down to his side.

"Why would you care?" Aurora snapped. Captain America nodded understanding that it wouldn't be easy. "Who are you?"

"Captain America- Steve... my name is Steve." Steve corrected himself hoping to come across more trustworthy.

"Aurora." The ginger girl said quickly, she felt a wave in her head from Wanda, I've just gave Stark a nightmare, what are you doing to American guy?

Steve watched as Aurora's eyes turn an orange shade, he had re-lifted shield as he thought she was about to attack, but notice they soon went back to the original brown colour. "Stark has the sceptre, you can leave." Aurora said, Steve shook his head.

"You can come back with us. Show you a different life of using your abilities." Steve suggested stepping forward.

"You don't know what my abilities are. And I'm not wanting Starks help." Aurora scoffed.

"Tony is a helpful man. We can all help you." Steve told the girl, but she shook her head.

"Go." She said. "Go, before I make you." Steve shook his head.

"I'm not going without you. I'm not leaving you, your clearly disturbed and know little about you abilities-"

"You also know little about my powers, and overall it's got nothing to do with you." Aurora said, "if you don't go I will."

Steve stood there and said nothing, Aurora took that as a hint that he wasn't going anywhere, she looked at him in the eyes and teleported away. Steve was left in shock, seeing the empty place the girl was, orange particles surround the area where she once stood.

Aurora was now underground with her brother and sister. "Aurora! Wanda just let Stark take the sceptre." Pietro ran over to his older sister

"The avengers don't have the ability to control that- maybe Thor. But no one else." Aurora spoke, "Besides, we have a lot more to deal with."


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