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Kai sighed as the motorcycle came to a stop on a red light, it wasn't even 7 am and here he was, being driven to his first school day in who knows how long.

There was a chuckle behind him, without thinking he elbowed slightly the other person, failing miserably.

"Aw c'mon, is not that bad"

Readjusting his grip on Nya, who was seated in front of him he shot a death glare to the person behind.

"Maybe you are used to it Sky, but we haven't attended school in years"

Dramatically he rests his head on his sister's back, Nya chuckles at his theatrics.

Why would anyone want to wake up this early to go learn a bunch of stuff he's inevitably gonna forget in the next 24 hours?

Not him that's for sure, and he knows he's not the only one.

And they had to use uniforms, ugh. Worst thing ever.

"Don't be such a baby"

Kai frowns getting suck out of his thoughts by a very familiar voice,he's offended (not really), but doesn't look up, is pointless, as he knows he can't even see the voice owner.

"Shut up Morro, is not like you're any happier than I am about this"

He might not be able to see him, but he *knows" Morro is shrugging, a shitty grin plastered on his face.

"Yeah but I'm not whining like a bitch"

"Morro don't call him that!" And there he is.

"Awww and what's gonna do baby Lloyd about it?"

"I'm not a baby!"

"You act like one, so clearly you're one"

Lloyd tries to kick the bigger kid as hard as he can is not use,besides he has to keep his grip on Wyldfyre too.

The blonde kid snarls.

"Shut up you fucking-"


The kid flinches at the stern voice and stops moving, He doesn't look back.


Morro scoffs in amusement. Kai groans.

God, this red light seems to go on forever.

Lloyd can't exactly look at his dad, who is seated right between Nya and Morro(someone has to drive) but he can definitely hold a conversation with him.

"What? Dad!"

"You're nine, no son of mine is gonna talk like that"

"B-But! You're evil incarnate! How come the son of evilness itself can't swear?!"

"Lloyd, you're nine, you're not allowed to swear"

"But the others can?!"

"You're my son, I don't care what the others do, I care about what you do, the others can go jump off of a bridge for all what I care"

There's simultaneous, offended gasps all around the motorcycle.



"Oh that's low"

"Wow, rude"


There's a collective moment of silence, before everyone tries to look at Wyldfyre, who just looks up at Lloyd, an innocent smile on her face.

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