quite the surprise, no?

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hi chat sorry for uploading the intro/tw list numerous times I was trying to check my notifs

remember when I said mentions of abuse yeah I VAGUELY mention it in this chapter. even though its vague its still mentioned, it wont always be mentioned but this one I felt the urge to put in in case nobody really read the intro/tw list carefully 



Walking up to the Broflovski's house was about the only thing I could think of doing right now. So much shit just happened, and all I wanted was for Karen to be safe.

I was about to pass out. The fact that it was about 1:30 in the morning definitely did not help.

Not now. We're almost there... I can make it.

I held her close to me as I knocked on the door.

Now, one would expect I'd count on someone being awake given the fact I went there at one in the fucking morning. The truth?

No, not really. I more or less expected people to still be asleep. Imagine my short lived surprise when Kyle opened the door.

You may be wondering something like "why was it short lived?" or something. I had so many things I could've said, and I didn't say jack shit.

Mainly because the moment he opened the door, I flashed him a grin, and all I managed out was a simple "hey" before everything went dark.



Two thoughts just ran through my head.

One, WHAT THE FUCK? Two, thank fuck my chemistry homework kept me up.

I had previously been sitting at the kitchen table, trying to... well, do that fucking homework. And then there was a knock at the door.

The moment I opened it, Kenny and his sister were there. And honestly, I really didn't expect him to pass out.

I had to manage to move him to the couch, beckoning Karen to come in too.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath, sighing.

"Is... is he gonna be okay?" Karen had spoken.

I didn't know how to answer that one.

"Um..." I trailed off.

I didn't know what the fuck happened to these two.

And then another thought managed its way into my brain.

Should I get one of my parents?

My mom would probably freak out if she woke up and Kenny and Karen were just... there, so I probably SHOULD explain.

But... did I really want to? And did I want to really even admit to the fact I was awake at this fucking awful hour?

Not really. Did I have to? Yeah.

Letting out a sigh, I began to walk up the stairs. God, I had the urge to just keep this a secret.

I knew better, of course. Even though I kind of wish I didn't. I wish I could just keep this to myself, be able to help him without anyone else's knowledge.

It was all running through my head as I knocked on the door to my parents' room.

And by all of it, I really just mean possibilities of what could've happened.

The fact something could've fucking happened to them was already horrifying enough. And I didn't even turn on a light to see injuries.

God, how could I be so fucking stupid? The love of my life literally falls into my arms (given the fact he fucking passed out), and I don't even bother to see if he's hurt?

I am so fucking stupid.

And Karen. She was young. She was still innocent. She had a whole potential life in front of her. She didn't deserve this shit.

Neither of them did.

It was funny to me. I cared about my boyfriend and his sister more than I did about my own family. But that thought didn't last long, immediately going back to what could have happened.

That all froze together in my brain when I heard the door open.

I knew it was my mother who opened the door, but I didn't even give her a chance to speak.

"My friend Kenny and his sister are here and Kenny just passed out, I'm pretty sure something's wrong. I mean, they don't come from a good family and that might have something to do with everything and now I'm kind of freaking myself out." I blurted.

She had blinked a few times. "What? Kyle, it's one in the morning-" 

"Mom!" I groaned, rubbing my forehead. "Can we put the time to the side? Just- help???" God, I sound so much more panicked than I intended to let on.

I didn't even pay attention to her answer, but I knew once I saw her go down the stairs, it was something I probably wanted to hear.

Fuck. I hated this.

I had followed her down the stairs, now seeing the sight of Karen sitting on the couch, but Kenny had woken up.

He had simply just spoken the words "I can explain. My parents, um, got..." he then trailed off.

"Sorry, um, they, uh..." He couldn't get the words out.

Meanwhile, I had turned on the living room light, and then soon wish I hadn't.

It wasn't pretty.

Neither of them looked good.

"Holy shit..." I muttered.

"Kyle, watch your language." I didn't bother to tell her she should be more worried about the pair of siblings than me saying the word "shit", because once she had gotten a look at them, her face dropped.

"My parents, um, they... they basically drank all day and um, got a bit... violent." Kenny had cleared his throat. 

He didn't know how to say it, and Karen was just horrified.

I've said this more than once, but the two McCormick's deserved better than living their lives in poverty, living through abuse.

I cared less and less about watching my words carefully, looking over at my mother. "Fucking hell ma, we gotta do something to help them!"

She pondered this for a moment.

"Fine. Help them clean up, I'm going back to bed and we'll talk about this in the morning. And again, watch your language."

I thought it'd be harder to convince her, but it really wasn't.

The moment she left back up the stairs, Kenny turned towards me.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

I smiled at that. "Yes, now c'mon, both of you, to the kitchen." I motioned them to the direction of the kitchen.

I hated that they showed up like this, but I was happy my mother let them at least stay for a bit.

This day was already full of surprises.


I shit you not I have been writing all day

word count plus number: 1052

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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