chapter 37

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Chapter 37

“I'm afraid it is what you think it is.” the doctor sighed.

“But doctor this can’t happen! She couldn’t just forget me, I'm an important person in her life!” Greyson cried.

“Well, sometimes the most important things in life are the things that we forget easily, don’t we?” the doctor exclaimed raising his shoulders.

“But I didn’t say she wouldn’t recover. She will recover, but it would take a while.”

Greyson sighed.

“But one thing I have to remind you, don’t you ever try and force her or push her to remember anything, or else she has a strong chance of losing more memory than she has now.

All I can tell you know is to pray and try and talk to her bit by bit. Never push her, but try to talk to her, okay?”

Greyson and Cody walked out of the doctor’s office.

“At least she’s already awake.” Cody said. “And she’ll recover. Just need a bit of time.”

Greyson remained silent.

“This is ought to be called a good news then.” Cody smiled.

“Just shut up Cody.” Greyson snapped.

Cody quieted down. He looked annoyed.

They arrived at Danielle’s room. Danielle was eating porridge, being spoon fed by her mother.

Greyson took his chair and pulled it away from Danielle’s bed. He dragged his chair into the corner of the room and watched Danielle from afar.

Everyone seems happy that Danielle has waked up, but to Greyson is the exact opposite.

He didn’t want this Danielle, he wanted his Danielle. The Danielle that he knows. Cheerful, bubbly, loving. This Danielle is weak, tired and emotionless. Plus, she doesn’t remember him. That makes him equally angry.

Suddenly his phone rang.

Greyson took out his phone from his pocket. It was his manager.

Greyson sighed. He was just about too hung up when he hesitated. At last he answered the call.

“Greyson, you actually answered my call?” his manager said, a hint of astonishment in his voice.

“talk.” Greyson said. “Or I’ll hang up.”

“Okay look,” his manager said, taking a deep breath. “I really need you to come to the studio tomorrow. I have so much I need to tell you. Please Greyson. I’ve heard the news that Danielle is fine now on the TV news last night. Please Greyson, if she is in no need of cherishing anymore then I really need your help.”

Greyson glanced at Danielle. She was listening to something that Charlotte was telling her. She didn’t even look at Greyson.

“I’ll come.”

Greyson hung up the phone.

The next day, evening, at the hospital.

“That’s okay, I’ll take care of her tonight.” Mrs. Roberts said, smiling. “You’ve been looking over her for almost a month now. And I think maybe now its better I stay with her tonight rather than you.”

Greyson smiled. “Okay, good evening then.”

Greyson drove back home. As he drives, Greyson thought about what happened at the studio earlier that morning.

His manager has told him everything that has happened while he was away. How many reporters and paparazzi came to the studio in hope of seeing Greyson or gain info or two about Danielle and Greyson.

He told him about the concert that has to be cancelled or postpone because of Greyson being absent. He also told him about the many people that held those concerts that came to him angrily asking for Greyson and his whereabouts.

He told him everything, including the offers that he has to put down and decline. One offer was even to act in a Super Bowl Commercial along with Justin Bieber.

Mr. Colville, his manager, told him how he missed Greyson and apologized for being so pushy and demanding.

They talk for hours over almost everything when at last, Mr. Colville told him about an offer that Greyson just couldn’t resist.

“It’s just for two weeks, and it’s at Edmund, your home town. Please Greyson; don’t turn this one down too. It’s important that you don’t. The concert is to be held there to help collect donation for the children’s hospital that is in need of money. If you do turn this one down then it’d effect on your career. ”

Greyson didn’t accept the offer, nor declined it.

“I need some time to think. “Was the answer given.

Greyson thought about the offer on his drive home.

Two weeks wouldn’t hurt. Anyway, no one is gonna miss me if I'm gone now.

Greyson took out his phone and sent a message to his manager to accept the offer.

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