Chapter Twenty Six: Release

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A/N: This chapter is kinda short since my schedule was a bit messed up during this week! So I hope this chapter will do and you'll enjoy it!







U-Yung Electronics Building, Present Time

  Nelivia wanted to deny what she was seeing. She didn't want to accept that one of the children she took care of was a danger to Japan. "Ry...o?" Nelivia's voice was hard to hear as she felt herself wanting to break down. But she kept herself together until she was out of this mess. The other living detectives were prepared to shoot down the assassin in case he ever made another move. The hood of his trench coat kept his face hidden from the rest.

  "Oi! Black Phoenix! The higher ups are requesting you to meet them!" A voice came from a higher altitude, a person with a no-face mask was suddenly there, he wasn't on the edge of the second floor before. "Go tell the higher ups they can go f-ck themselves!" Ryo responded with a tone of aggravation to the no-face mask wearer. "Alright, don't expect the higher-ups to be happy about this." The no-face said as they shrugged before leaving the building.








Tempo High School, Afternoon

  Within the span of just one overnight story and morning news, the identity of Black Phoenix being Itoshi Ryo was released.

  The only people who were truly devastated were Nelivia, Rośe, and basically some of the team members of Tempo's soccer team. Rośe was currently contemplating to herself, overthinking to herself. She has been suspicious of Ryo for a bit and yet she didn't take the initiative. "Hey Rośe-" "Can you tell me the truth?" Ren's words were cut off by Rośe. His hand was on Rośe's shoulder as she asked for the truth. "The... truth?" Ren was acting clueless to Rośe, but she continued to push her question.

  "Just tell me the truth about you and Kokori." Rośe said as she looked up at Ren with an obviously serious expression on her face. Ren sighed and sat down on the seat next to her. "I assume you'll inform them if I do?" Ren asked, knowing Rośe would tell the information she got from him to the detective agency. "Of course I will, what do you think? It's my job as a detective." Rośe said, the answer of giving whatever information Ren gives her has some sort of uneasy feeling in Ren's stomach.

  "Alright, well, me and Kokori are part of the assassin group of X-Factor. I'm Blue Demon, and Kokori's White Vampire." Ren said, giving the information that Rośe wanted. "Thank you for cooperating..." Rośe said as Ren stood up, leaving her. "I guess this is where the group falls apart." Ren said as he left Rośe alone.

  Rośe gritted her teeth, now believing she just surrounded herself with people that betrayed her. "Aahh..." >I hope I can trust Nelivia...< Rośe thought to herself as she sat by herself.

  "Hey hey!!" Aimi said with her usual bubbly energy as she approached Rośe, basically running up to her. Her bright smile and high energy could be compared to that of a golden retriever. "Oh, hey Aimi.." Rośe said with a weak smile on her face, Aimi's cheerful expression and personality was like she was a little sibling who's happy to see their older sibling.

  "... Come sit down Aimi.." Rośe said as she patted the seat next to her with her hand. "Oh, Okay!" Aimi said, quickly sitting down. Rośe chuckled a bit as Aimi sat down. "Hey, Aimi... can you tell me how you feel about all of this?" Rośe asked, wondering what her underclassman thought about the chaos that happened. The bubbly energy emitting from Aimi disappeared as she was asked about her thoughts. "Well... I'm scared..." Aimi confessed what she felt, her hands tightly gripped onto the skirt of her uniform, her hands trembling lightly. Rośe could see from Aimi's face that she truly was afraid.

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