The Hatching

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A few days had past and the egg was still not hatching, Molly was doing what she had promised, looking after the Draconika egg. Molly told Eldon that although she knew that the egg was a Draconika, she didn't know what the dragon would actually look like. Eldon thought that she was useless; he wondered even if it was a Draconika dragon. How would Molly know what a Draconika egg looked like if she doesn't know what the dragon looks like?

Eldon went to the wildlife centre to see if there were any thin, hairline lines on the egg. There was! The egg would hatch soon. Eldon was so excited. He wanted to scream it out to the world, he ran home eager to tell his Mum,"Mum! Mum! Guess what! At the wild... " He stopped himself. He realised that he couldn't say anything about the dragon. The only people that knew were him, Ella and Molly. He was so upset. His mood fell. Maybe he would be allowed to tell his family. He then wrote down on a 'post it' note:
Ask Ella about De.
Eldon wrote De (Draconika egg) because he couldn't write Draconika egg out in full because his family would get suspicious.

That night Eldon couldn't sleep. He was anxious that his Mum would ask about the wildlife centre. Did his Mum even hear what he said? When he woke up he went downstairs, his Mum was cooking a bacon and egg sandwich. Once he sat down and his breakfast was ready his Mum asked him what De meant. Eldon had to think fast, because the note said Ella on it he said that a new person joined the wildlife centre and had the initials of 'De'. That was a close one, Eldon thought.

At the end of school he went to the wildlife centre and found Ella. He had a deep breath and took a big step in," Hi Ella. About the um, egg. Am I allowed to tell my family, if they promise not to tell anyone?" Ella was turning pale,"Never! Are you mad? There is barely any Draconika eggs left." Ella walked away shaking her head. Eldon just stood there. He left Ella a small note:
Don't worry if u don't want me to I won't tell anyone.

He hoped Ella would get the note. He finished off some jobs and then left for home.

A week had passed since Ella asked him not to tell his family about the egg. Molly came in to the wildlife centre and called for help. Ella and Eldon came rushing. The egg had hatched. Eldon took out his phone and took photos of the dragon. Ella said that now the egg had safely hatched Eldon could tell everyone about the egg.

Eldon ran home and then got his family and took them back to the wildlife centre. The whole family looked really confused. He took them where there was big crowd was. Eldon made everybody move. He showed them two tiny dragons. It was a boy and a girl. His family looked down to their son, they saw his beaming smile. Eldon's parents knew how proud he was to have raised an egg.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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