balance lizard

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I always knew something is more evil in the hero than an actual villain, his fake smile and arrogant posture like he is the sun and we have to gravitate around him is making me sick. This is why I want him dead, he is just another fake person, so I kidnaped his sidekick to lure him in a trap made special for him and only him.

I looked at the helpless sidekick, he was skin and bones, perhaps his power doesn't need a muscular figure, but none the less it made me think more about the way that damn hero is treating people.

"After all this time I kidnaped you. Now all I have to do is wait for the bustard to come and walk to his eminent death." Looking at the boy I saw saddens. "Don't be sad he deserved it"

"He will not come, he doesn't care, all he cares is his image, you're the only one that know I'm his sidekick." I looked at him shocked.

"What do you mean kid? How am I the only one that knows?" I asked really concerned. "Well, I'm not really his sidekick, you see he was put to look after me because of my powers."

"Well we will se if he comes" I said as I walk away from the dungeons looking one more time at the what seems a broken boy.

One week turn in another and another but the hero never came, it's been a month, I was right that damn hero doesn't care about anyone  all he cares is his well-being and ego. I go back to the cell that the ex-sidekick is, looking at him an idea comes to me.

"Listen kid this world is cruel, it was to me it is to you, but you don't need to give up. I see the look you give to the surveillance camera; I will help you and together will end his tyranny. Believe me I saw him killing not just villains but civilians and other heroes. So, what do you think kid?" I said looking serious.

"I accept your proposal. I always wanted his head, he is the reason I don't have parents anymore because mom was a hero and dad a villain, he killed both." I look at the broken kid and give a small smile. "So, you're the son of Lizard King and Lilith" I looked at him really shocked. The realization hits me hard he is my nephew... 

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