Chapter 3

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Jungkook's POV

What's making me so warm and comfy? I tried to move but something or I should say someone's arms are wrapped around me. The weirdest part was that it felt so right being here in this stranger's arms.

Blinking open my eyes I realized it wasn't a stranger but rather, Taehyung?! I struggled and kicked my legs but he had an iron grip.

"Stop moving..." Damn, even his tired voice is hot? Wait not the point.

"Let me go you creep" I kinda shouted.

He frowned and opened one eye, "Why'd you scream in my ear?"

I gave him my your-kidding-look "Oh, I will because you kidnapped me and took me somewhere against my will."

Taehyung merely blinked "So."

"Psycho! Let me go!"

"No. You'll just run away." He said frowning in a cute way.

"That's the most reasonable thing to do in my situation."

"It's not. Stay here I'm going to use the restroom."

He unwrapped his arms from my body and moved away. Somehow I felt colder been in all the blankets piled upon the bed. Once I heard the click of the bathroom lock I sat up and tried to find a way out.

Taehyung seems idiotic but I think he had the sense to lock the doors... Windows! I crept it off the soft and comfy bed onto the hardwood floor and sneaked around the bed to the large window. I opened it successfully and looked down.

"Crap, I'm on the second floor..." I muttered, "Well I suppose in the rarest occasions this is a time to say YOLO."

Climbing out I maneuvered myself outside holding onto the window ledge. There was a back porch roof to slide on then hop down. Perfect at least it won't be a straight out jump.

Stretching one leg out I gingerly slid slowly down almost falling.

Grabbing the edge of the roof I hung over the side and let go crumpling on the ground. I felt a sharp throb around my ankle. Smart broke my ankle while running away...

I managed to stand and hobbled towards the front door. Lucky for me the back door was open. Taehyung must be absent-minded.

Slipping in I limped towards the front not noticing how fancy his house was. Two feet away and I reach a hand to open the front door. Unlocking it I clicked it open when it was slammed back shut. I gulped.

"What are you doing?" A low voice boomed I could already tell it was Taehyung.

Only he can sound hella sexy while asking normal questions.

"Um leaving..?" My voice quavered.

I could feel him leaning closer his front touching my back. Warmth spread across my cheeks.

"You're not leaving because you belong to me."

I felt a flash of irritation. "Excuse you but I don't belong to anyone! If anything I belong to Ethan because we like each other and you're a desperate creep. Leave me and Ethan-"

I was slammed against the wall with my wrists pinned on either side of my head. His golden eyes were ablaze.

"You're mine!"

Despite how easily he could overpower me I glared and fought back "I'm not an item to own I don't belong to anyone! Let me go!"

"Yes, you are! You belong to me! And it's about time you learned that!"

He kept a firm grip on my wrists while leading me down a hall.

"Where are we going?" I sounded weak.

"To the bedroom."

Bedroom. Oh god! Why's he going rape me?

We kept walking at a brisk pace until we reached two white wood double doors. He yanked one open and pushed me inside, my ankle throbbed. I looked down trying to see any signs of a broken ankle and heard a click of a lock.

Taehyung turned around and stared at me intensely lust and want clouding his eyes. I swear they turned a little black.

He moved closer and closer and I moved back until the back of my knees bumped into the bed and he pushed me onto it. I landed on my side and bounced slightly.

Taehyung leaned over me with his gold eyes locking with my blue orbs. "I know a way to make you admit your mine."

As much as I didn't want to know the answer I stupidly asked the question "How?"

"Like this."

Once he finished his sentence he moved closer so our lips connected. I tried to move but he held my head and his legs kept my legs in place. He moved an arm to near my waist and pulled me slightly off the bed and go his lips.

The second our lips touched I felt a fire ignite and set my body ablaze. The way he moved his lips against mine made me feel excited and alive. They fit perfectly as if we were destined to be together. I let out a little moan and he pulled back. I caught my breath in a daze.

"Who do you belong to?"

I clenched my teeth together still trying to salvage my argument "No one."

His lips crash down on mine again the time the kiss more heated and deep. Again I felt the fire set ablaze.

"Now tell me, who do you belong to?"

"No one..!" It was harder to force out these words. He was right, his amazing kisses made me weak.

Our lips crashed together and he added a surprise. Sliding his tongue on my bottom lip he requested access. Still (stupidly) trying to fight I refused and he grabbed my bottom. I gasped and he quickly shoved his tongue into my wet cavern. He explored every corner leaving nothing untouched. Then his tongue moved against mine. And against my (now weak) will I played along. Our tongues swirled and moved, causing him to groan and me to moan slightly.

He moved back and we both panted trying to catch our breath.

"Who do you belong to?"


I swear my mouth had a mind of its own...

Sorry if this chapter is shorter than the usual but I think it's a good place to leave off at. If you didn't know this book will contain mature content so keep that in mind. Thanks for reading, vote and enjoy!

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