Sturdy Pillars

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It's time for me to step up in my education journey; the transition from elementary to junior high feels light and burden-free. Even during school orientation, while others found it challenging, I didn't feel the weight. Perhaps I was too oblivious to the circumstances at the time, or maybe my school wasn't one to burden its students during orientation. On the first day at my new junior high, a psychological test kicked off to assess students' abilities. I found myself in an empty seat that day, coincidentally arriving after the class had already been filled with my prospective classmates. I observed my surroundings, hoping to spot a familiar face, but there was none.

I half-heartedly tackled the psychological test, feeling relief when it concluded. I was glad my brain didn't need to endure more bizarre questions, the kind I still don't understand the purpose of-questions about people I don't even know. As I left the classroom, ready to head home, that's when I saw you-a captivating figure with tied-up hair and oversized glasses that seemed perfectly proportioned to her face. "Who is she?" I uttered, my gaze fixed on you. Your face appeared stern and sensitive to your new surroundings, yet sweet and refreshing to my eyes-someone seemingly closed off but intriguingly so. My goal was to get to know you right then, but my first day passed without knowing your name.

"Laurel" That's your name. On the second day of orientation, I found out, but unfortunately, my chance to get to know you during that time slipped away. Orientation ended, and I hadn't had the opportunity to speak directly with you, and to make matters worse, we were in different classes. "My chance to get closer to her has failed," I thought at the time. But I sensed another opportunity, as my school opened applications for student council. Initially uninterested, knowing that she also applied changed my mind. Without much thought I took the applications to join the student council.

It was two weeks after observing you from afar when I received the invitation to join the meeting for the student council applicants held after school that day. "Finally, the chance for me to talk to her has arrived," I said. I chose the seat near you so I could see you up close. "Stunning" is the most fitting word for you that I still can't let go of every time I see your face. Time flew by so fast that it was time for us to go home and prepare for the student council applicants camp. I hate those camps, but at least I could be near you more than during our school hours. The camp was fun, though, because you were there. Nothing really happened between us during the camp; I was too scared and insecure.

And then, two weeks after the camp had passed, we both passed and became student council members. I was so happy because we could meet and talk to each other more. It took some time for you to open up about yourself to me, but at least I could get to know you better. At that time, my goal to be close to you succeeded. Maybe I looked too friendly to you and didn't seem like I had any intentions to date you, but to be real, I really wanted to date you. Still, I didn't have the courage; I was too insecure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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