Causes of nausea

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The causes of nausea, along with the symptoms and prevention, are discussed precisely in this article. A common sign of being about to throw up is stomach trouble or nausea. Vomiting or throwing up is when stomach contents come out through the mouth, either voluntarily or involuntarily.

When you have nausea, it causes discomfort in your stomach and makes you want to throw up. Feeling nauseated before throwing up is common.

Early pregnancy, stomach flu, and concussions are just a few causes of nausea and vomiting. Nausea is a common problem for adults and children, and thankfully, numerous treatments are available. Some remedies include consuming icy drinks and eating bland, light foods.

A variety of factors cause nausea. Some people are extremely sensitive to environmental stimuli such as movement, food, medication, or the effects of sickness. Any of the aforementioned factors can cause nausea. 

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