Author's Note

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Hey guys! Well alot of rants have been going on about fans thoughts on Rourtney, Courtney, Ross not Being happy and not smiling, and Raura never happening. So I decided to go ahead and put my thoughts out about each topic.


*sigh,sigh* Okay, so I basically knew about Rourtney happening around Mother's day and let's just stay I wasn't very happy. I was like questioning myself like where the hell did this girl come from? Why didn't he tell us about her? And of course how is she better than Laura?! But now I don't get really get upset when I see pictures of them because this might sound mean but I don't see them lasting that long. I honestly feel like almost every couple that gets together in the 'celeb life' breaks up. Like think about Big Sean and Ariana Grande,and Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber, both couples acted like they were in love but they only lasted for a while. And some might say 'What if Ross and Laura get together are you saying they are going to last?' Honestly I don't know but i know that if they are willing to ever get together they are risking there friendship and that takes lots of guts and that shows that they really like each other. So basically I don't let Rourtney rain on my parade because I think they won't last sorry Ross.

~Rourtney shippers~ Not to be rude but i don't really care for the rourtney shippers because they don't REALLY know Courtney I mean yay you read about her on wikipedia but that doesn't mean you really know her. Like come on we only knew about this girl for a couple of months and I think she doesn't give a f*** about us shipping her with Ross or not. So i don't get why Rourtney shippers automatically started shipping them and calling her queen and calling Laura a piece of shit. There are those cool rourtney shippers (Minimum) that only ship them is because they want Ross to be happy. That's all cool and dandy but who knows if he's really happy maybe he's just dating to be dating. I mean if he's really happy I would think he would be public about his relationship and not care about what people think. Also I believe rourtney shippers should calm there frickin tits when it comes to Courtney hate. For one it's her fault that she wanted to get together with Ross knowing he's really famous, she should know dating a celebrity comes with a price. And two Courtney doesn't even get half of as much hate Laura AND Maia get so i think they should take a chill pill on that. And finally you guys are saying that we should stop hating on Courtney while your description box is saying 'I hate Laura'. And that's just rude because we have known Laura for 4 years almost 5 and she hasn't done anything but be a sweet dorky dork heck she doesn't even curse, I'm 13 and I curse like a sailor. So basically chill Rourtney shippers and I'll be chill with you.


I do not hate Courtney at all because I DON'T KNOW HER and even if I 'did' I still wouldn't hate her because she's not doing anything To me to hate her f*** she doesn't even know who I am and I'm fine with that. Most of us Raura shippers think that she's very clingy but I guess for her she thinks it's being supportive and even if she is clingy we can't stop her from doing so. She might be a pain in our asses sometimes but it seems to Ross that she's not a pain to him at all. So I say we should just leave Courtney alone and see how long they last.

~Ross not being happy~

So we have all seen pictures of Ross looking like the mean cat that we see in funny memes right? Because i know that I have! Ok I feel like this is none of our faults because he's been famous REALLY since 2011 and we all know that and he should know that when it comes to being famous you're sure to get alot of hate heck that's life and you got to just deal with it. But i honestly think he's just really really tired and sleepy. Who knows how long he sleeps when it comes to his scheldule and I think he should just take a week and sleep and drive away and not think about his different responsibilities and i think he will be fine. And he's getting older and when you get older come more things you have to do so maybe he's not feeling it some days. But I know he's going to get better, you just have to BELIEVE in him!!!

~Raura never happening~

I'm just going to say that I hate the hashtag raura is dead. And I rarely hate things and people but I really hate that hashtag. I mean is Ross dead? Is Laura dead? Are both of them dead? No I don't think so. So stop hashtaging that because like Ross always says about dating Laura 'You never know what will happen in the future' and that's very true. So I'm never going to stop shipping them until one of them or both of them dies. And THINK about they have both said they would date each other when the show is over, so they haven't lied or anything because the show is not over yet they just finshed filming it so who knows.

Thank you so much for reading my big ole rant about these topics if you have any more questions about my thoughts about things that are happening in this fandom just ask in the comment and Ill most likely will answer. Please no hate on what I said because it's just my opinion and if you didn't like my opinion just keep it to your self. Thank to all the people that enjoy my stories and one-shots, and leave the wonderful comments I'll be updating soon. xoxoxo ~ Jaz

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