Alya's thoughts

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"Due to safety reasons we can't let you in the building". The held his hand up to her chest stopping her from entering.

"What?!" Alya shouted. "Why can't I?"

"I can't tell you that." He said.

" BUT don't worry! we'll take good care of her..." He says in most creepy perverted voice you've ever heard.

Alya doesn't notice his tone of voice.

The employee turns around into the buliding, holding Marinette from her head. The other employee holding her feet.

She quietly steals a death glance at the employee.

Being the good friend that Alya is, senses that something is wrong with the Hospital they drove Marinette to.

She stomps back to the car in anger and slams the door.

"He was so creepy."

"There's nothing I can do, that's the part that is pissing me off."

"That whole place was unsettling." She starts to get worried

"What even happened?"

"That's not right... who carries a patient by the head." She questions herself.

"Meanwhile Tom is still crying like a baby, wouldn't blame him though, He just lost his wife and might lose his daughter."

"I might just lose my bestfriend." She feels the tears dripping

"HOLY SHIT SABINE IS DEAD!" She mentally cussed at herself.

"WAIT! I'M THE ONE WHO IS DRIVING" She fixes her posture, she spaced out.

I might be able to go visit her tomorrow, I hope.

"I should call Nino. No maybe Adrien? I DON'T KNOW AND I DON'T CARE!." She cries even more.

"I will figure this out, even if it kills me."

Alya arrives at the dupain-cheng bakery thoughts are finshed and she decides to talk to Tom in the passengers seat next to her.

Tom? She saids in a sweet voice.

Yeah? He answers through sobs

"It's going to be okay."

"Haha... I find that hard to believe."

"We will see her tomorrow." She tries to assure him

"Alya... I-I can't right now... t-this i-is t-to much." He whispered.

"I understand Tom, i'll leave you alone"

she gave Tom a hug, and walked up to the apartment with him. Alya stayed the night at the apartment so she can think over the events of the day.

so she flipped the couch over and drifted off to sleep.

(In her dream.... shhhhhh)

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Someone screamed.

It was a cold night, and she was back at the Hosptial she took Marinette to that day.

As Alya looked around she noice that the parking lot was empty.

She jumped when she heard the woman scream again.

Something or Someone was pulling her towards the buliding...

She hesitantly walked in...

She wantered around the Hosptial halls, well more like prison halls.

By the looks of it, lights were flickering up above her head.
It was eerie and terrifying...
She couldn't stop herself...
She walked more into the dark hallway
There were hundreds of rooms...
Each one with a window exposing the patient inside the room
Each one looking like they just got back from a hard beating
Some not even breathing
Some internally bleeding
Where are the doctors?
Alya looked through each window while she was walking towards the end of the hall way...
She stopped abruptly...
And turned her head
To face her best friend...
Marinette was bloody...
Her face... she had a red eye that was so swollen she couldn't open it... she had a deep cut from her temples to her lips, her lip got silt open...
Her shoulder... looked like someone took a cheese grater and started rubbing up and down her arm to her elbow...
Her hands... her hands were so bloody that it was dripping
Her body...  her body was covered in purple bruises... maybe from a metal rod.
Alya looked around she saw a needle injected in her leg connected to a green substance...
"Help me..." Marinette whispered.
"AHHHHHH" Alya screams. "MARINETTE!"
Tom runs to the living room avoiding the broken glass since they didn't pick it up yet.
"ALYA! WHAT HAPPENED!" He shook her until she opened her eyes.
Alya wakes up in a cold sweat. She starts hyperventilating.
"ALYA! What happened?" He soon realizes she's awake.
I-I saw Marinette...
"WHAT!? Wa-what happened?"
"She was in the mental hospital. They killed her..."
I'll post another part tommorow! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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