POV Kuyo/Dark Thoughts/Reiyo

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Main pov: Kuyo
AU: None
Theme: Dark thoughts
Ship: Reiyo

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A/N: death, unreality implications, thoughts of murder

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Sometimes, Kuyo has the horrifying compulsion to dig into Rei's grave, and get in the coffin with his dead body, just so he can embrace him again. In another life, they would have rotted  together--their bodies melding into one--craving each other like beggars dining for the first time. They would become collage--a beautiful work of art. Kuyo would have held Rei's lifeless heart in his lifeless hands, briefly coming to life before burial just to hold him closest.

But Kuyo doesn't get the satisfaction of fulfilling his most sacred and hidden urges in this world. Instead, he must shut his lips and cease his begging for this reality to be a disgusting unreality he would eventually break free of. He wishes he would go insane, completely overcome with the delusions of his beloved breathing next to him again. He would never be sane again.

Rei had made Kuyo weak in the knees, so loving, Kuyo could have drowned in it. Now, Rei still makes Kuyo weak in the knees, so unlovable, Kuyo wishes he would drown.

Rei carved his name into Kuyo's mind with his electric tongue. A double edged sword Kuyo would come to love and regret. The double edge was not for Rei and Kuyo, but instead, solely Kuyo.

The world is not kind, and it's becoming a truth that Kuyo is not either.

He's had the repulsive urge to kill Rei's sister before. Who was she to think she should be the one to persecute Rei's killers? She wasn't there at his death. She never even knew he was a vigilante until his demise.

Kuyo puked a lot that night. He didn't go to class for the rest of the week.

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