Two object ocs-

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Some info 'bout them:Pearl:-He/Her (Bigender)-Pansexual-Younger child--Ambivert-------Likes:-The ocean (sometimes-)-Seafood (Hes a mermaid in human form :3)-Dick and badussy- :3-Finding Treasure (usually jewelry)-Dislikes:-His ex-Friends (they cau...

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Some info 'bout them:
-He/Her (Bigender)
-Younger child-
-The ocean (sometimes-)
-Seafood (Hes a mermaid in human form :3)
-Dick and badussy- :3
-Finding Treasure (usually jewelry)
-His ex-Friends (they caused trauma :3)
-Shell's Anger issues
-Horror movies
-being under pressure
--cannot get prego- (Y am i tellin yall this you ask? BC I CAN- 👹)
-Canonical Age (In Human form): 25
-A switch (sexually AND romantically)
-Older Child
-Has Anger issues
-The deep bits of the ocean
-Being left alone
-Finding Treasure (usually Antiques and Money)
-Also seafood
-Having to deal with Pearl's Bullshit-
-Sexual intimacy
-Land dwellers (Any interaction in the ocean with Shell as a human will result in a mysterious disappearance, Basically death-)
-The surface of the ocean
Additional info;
-Bottom (Romantically not sexually)
-Canon age (in human): 32
Other info:
Status: Siblings
Relationship (in childhood): A great duo
Relationship (in adulthood): Rocky
-Fights a lot (And Not Like the usual sibling fighting, more like a toxic couple type of fighting-)
-Both dont trust eachother much anymore
So yeh thats it abt them (idk what else to add-)

I have to piss

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