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Randy's pov:
Me and Bob have always been best buddies, I mean, we met in grade school and we just had an inseparable bond ever since. I guess its because we both liked the same things and since we were both socs, we just, got along well. But honestly, Ever since we were young, i've started to like being around him more and more. We both liked to jump greasers together, and well, drink. So, me and him met up with some of our other friends, and we just drove around town like normal, occasionally drinking some hard liquor from small flasks we took with us. Cherry and Marcia hated the thought of us drinking while in the car, so we didnt invite them to come. It was pretty late too, so it was unlikely that they were even awake at the time. Im glad they didn't come along though, I wouldn't want them yellin' at us again like last time for just having a couple of drinks.

Bob's pov:
Me and Randy have always been friends, ever since we were young. I have noticed that Randy has been acting awfully strange lately though, but maybe i'm just imagining things. Maybe hes just sick or something. Tonight, we both decided to meet up with some of our other friends, and started to drive around Sweet Tulsa in my blue Mustang, taking turns driving it when the other was too drunk to drive anymore. Since I was starting to get abit tipsy from the alcohol and from being in the driver's seat for some time, Randy offered to drive the car for awhile, as he wasn't too drunk yet. I smiled and let him take the wheel. One of my already drunk friends in the back made a stupid remark on how "close" we were but we were just friends. Nothing more. "Shut it man, were friends." I assured him, looking at Randy to see what he would say, or do. I expected him to agree with me or atleast give a nod of approval but, he didnt do anything. I guess ill ask him about that later. While Randy was driving, someone pointed out that there we're two greaser kids headed to the park. We decided to follow them and eventually, drive up to them and get out of the car. As we stepped out, me and Randy recognised the two kids, even after drinking all that alcohol. It was the two kids that hit on Cherry and Marcia a couple of hours ago in the movie lot!

Randy's pov:
"Shut it man, were friends" the sentence continued to repeat in my head, I knew I couldn't reply to him because if I did, I would've accidentally told him what I thought. And sometimes, feelings are best to keep a secret.

When I stepped out of the car, I immediately froze. The night was cold, really cold. I was really regretting not bringing a jacket, but atleast the booze kept me, and the rest going. I was honestly a little surprised how that kid with the cigarette didn't freeze to death or something,.,. I looked over at Bob, and I saw him basically staring at the kid that had been smoking the cigarette, I think his name was... Ponyboy or something? I overheard Cherry calling him that back in the movie lot when we found them there. "Well, well, well. Aren't these the greasers who uh.. tried to pick up on our women?" Bob asked them in a slurred sentence, you could just tell that he was drunk out of his mind by the way he was acting. Bob always acts real different when hes drunk, he's usually mad and short-tempered, but when you get to really know him, hes like a whole other person. The other greaser replied to Bob quickly, seeming abit nervous, "Hey you're out of your territory now, you guys better watch it!" He yelled. "No pal you better watch it." I yelled back, which made him quiet down abit.

Bob's pov:
A couple silent seconds later, I took another drink from my flask, and decided to break the silence between all of us. "You know what a greaser is? White trash with long greasy hair." The other socs laughed abit after I made fun of the two, and later, throwing some of the alcohol onto one of them. "You know what a soc is?!" The one that I spilt the alcohol on replied back which, none of us really expected. "What." I replied, thinking that he wouldn't finish his sentence, expecting him to get scared or something. "White trash with mustangs and madras!" We were all shocked. But before any of us could do or even say anything, he spat at our direction and started to run away with his friend. "GET HIM!!" I yelled, as we all started to run after them, towards the park's fountain.

Words: 853

I literally made this listening to MITSKI.Where stories live. Discover now