I: The Peter Boy

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 The Peter Boy

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The Peter Boy ... Chapter One

To say Eden Lovelace didn't have a heart of gold, would be an understatement. Eden was like a spray of the sea, fresh and tender. The world wouldn't grow green again if it weren't for the girls smile — she kept everything alive. People would say Demeter gave Eden a gift, a gift of a warm sun at dusk.

Hearing Eden's name gave those around her a humming inside of their chests. There was never a moment where she wasn't adored. Because of her every day was a waking feverish for those claimed by the gods. Eden was the light in Camp Half-Blood, and there was no denying that fact. Eden Lovelace was the slice of grapefruit that every Demigod craved.

A craving that would never leave Luke Castellans raw lips. It was no secret that the boy had taken a liking in Eden, the Lovelace girl was always just to caught up in her own head to ever realise that the boy thought of her the same way a spring gushes. Eden was a flood of sun in Luke's gaze, nothing could ever change the boys blooming heart.

Not even the stories of Eden's blood-trailed past could change the feelings Luke felt for the woman who looks as if held the stars — and Luke knew every detail of Eden's cruel past, as did she for his. They both trusted each other enough to have palms over one another's heart, speaking truths that once terribly destroyed them.

After that day, Eden had grown a certain hunger for the boy. (To be loved means to be consumed) that's what her father taught her, it stuck to Eden till the day she turned seventeen, her desperation for Luke had officially consumed her body whole — maybe her father had been right all along?

Sometimes Eden finds herself quivering when letting her subconscious take over her thoughts. Eden's father would shove his way through his daughter's mind, just like he was doing now. "Have you heard about the kid who killed the Minotaur? Peter or something?" Buffy Madlock questioned, causing Eden to abandon her tangling thoughts of her father. "Of course I have, it's spreading like wildfire," Eden returned, picking at the grass below them.

"Do you think it's true?" Buffy's frizzy hair swayed in the wind as she inquired Eden. "I don't know, I mean I heard that the Minotaurs horn was displayed in the infirmary," Buffy sent her a confused glance, "why would it be in the infirmary?" Eden shrugged her shoulders, she was just telling Buffy the bits and pieces she overheard from the others.

"Why don't we go see for ourselves?" The two girls stood up, having the same curious expression plastered on their faces. Once they both made it to the infirmary, Eden poked her head through the room, feeling a burning sensation inside of her chest when she saw a familiar head of shaggy blonde hair. The Peter boy seemed so familiar, yet Eden couldn't put her finger on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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