𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 26

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I  slowly turn around, and sure enough, here he is: standing right behind me, wearing a dark suit that fits him perfectly, his hair pushed away from his face. His expression is serious, but there’s a certain tenderness softening his gaze.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, almost out of breath. I can’t believe he’s here.

“I need to talk to you.” He lifts the corners of his mouth. “I apologize for inconveniencing the three of you on this lovely trip, but I couldn’t wait any longer.”

“Don’t you have a… a business to run, back home?” I stutter.
“People to meet? Money to make?” He leans in, the scent of his aftershave fresh and minty around him.

“You’re more important.”

I don’t have a comeback for this. I simply stare at him, compulsively swallowing the excessive saliva in my mouth, my heart hammering in my chest.
“Come to my room with me?” he softly asks, tilting his head. “You don’t have to stay, if you don’t want to. I just want a quiet place to talk.”

“She wants to stay” Solar hurriedly says. “She most definitely wants to. It’s not the best to have sex while she snores.”

“Solar!” Pilly squeals, slapping her knee. “This is private!”

“About that.” jungkook pats his jacket and takes a white envelope out of an inside pocket. “To wish you a happy birthday, Pilly, and to thank you and Solar for all your help.”

As soon as she opens it, her eyes widen. “We cannot accept it.
You’re very kind, but—”

“Of course we can accept it” Solar interrupts her, snatching the envelope from her hands. “How very generous of you. We’ll make sure to thoroughly enjoy it!”

“Babe, it’s a week long trip to France for the both of us, plane tickets and all” Pilly hisses.

I snap my head to look at jungkook. “What?”

“You want to spend a week in France, too?” he murmurs. “Is that why you look so offended? Because I did not include you?”

“No, it’s… No.” I bite the inside of my cheek, flustered. “It’s an expensive gift.”

“And?” he asks, cocking an eyebrow. “You’re scared I’m offending them?” He turns to face my friends. “Am I offending you, ladies?”

“Not in the slightest” Solar reassures him. “We gladly accept your gift, right, Pilly?” Pilly looks torn. “You’re not offending us. It’s just… It’s an expensive gift, and there’s no need—”

“There is” Solar interrupts her. “Thank you, my guy. I’m so glad y/n decided to give you a chance.”

“Me, too.” His eyes are soft on me. “I hope I didn’t blow it.”

I’m so baffled by his presence here I don’t have the presence of mind to answer, so I simply stare at him, unspeaking. Did he really come all the way to New York just to talk to me? And the fact that my friends were in on it…

I turn to them, slightly shaking my head. “We kind of need to talk.”

“Yeah, not tonight.” Solar gets up from her stool and pats me on my back, a sly grin stretching her lips. “Tonight we all get to have some fun in peace. Don’t try to come back to our room because I’m not opening the door.”

“But I am” Pilly says, giving her girlfriend a warning look. “Don’t listen to her. If you need to come back, by all means, do it. Okay?” Solar wraps an arm around Pilly’s shoulders, wiggling her eyebrows. “Alright, but you might stumble upon something that—”

“Call if you need anything” Pilly interrupts her. She leans in to place a kiss on my cheek, then gives jungkook a stern look. “Don’t harm her or we’re going to have a problem.”

“I’m not planning on it.” He grins, watching Solar drag Pilly away, then he reaches down to whisper something in my ear. “If tonight I manage to make you scream, it’s going to be for wildly different reasons.”

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