Chapter 18: Last Goodbye

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Her Aunt barged in with two guards and turned on the lights, revealing her dead sister and brother-in-law. Seeing that this probably wasn't a dream, Elaenna said"Lower your weapons and let them speak". Elaenna's mother, Samantha walked over and cupped her daughter's cheek and said"Sweetie...I've been watching over you and while I swore I wouldn't intervene...I must for this". She smiled and said, "Sweetie, your auntie was right...your father didn't cause my death, in fact, he was the reason I lived for so long. You and your father were both my reasons for holding on and even though he wasn't around as much as I wanted,i am not body was failing me; I was in a lot of pain and my head was in a selfish place and I decided to let go without thinking and I regret that".

She smiled and said, "The reason I'm here is because my little girl has grown up and met a nice man but she's having a bit of trouble because of something my idiot sister did".Sasha frowned and said"Hey" before Samantha giggled, turned to her, and said, "There was a reason you were still single sis...but finally you've grown".Samantha turned back and said"Sweetie, love is a wonderful but scary thing... it is also a game, and like games, you win some and you lose some but you have to get back up and play again or you'll never fully enjoy it and learn from things so that you can become better. As your mother, I'm saying it's time for you to let go of my death and understand that sometimes we are dealt wildcards that we have to play...I had fun in my lifetime and I was very happy with you and your father".

Elaenna teared up and said, "B-but I'm scared Mom...what if he hurts me or abandons me or worse!" Sam reached over and wiped her tears before saying"I've had many heartbreaks before I met your father and all I can say is you learn from it and get back up but if you don't try at all you'll live with anger, regret, and loneliness...pretty much what you've been doing up until a few months ago. For what it's worth, I will tell you that the young man you've been seeing is probably the best candidate in the world to be with...I've heard his words to you and seen his actions and I can say he's serious so take him and run with it. I've seen what you can be like when you let go and it's so amazing, It reminded me and your father of when we were young".

Her mother stepped back and said"I'm not asking you to just drop it all tonight but I'm asking you to give opening up a chance before you miss out on're my daughter I want the best for you so I'm asking you to trust me one last time". Elaenna smiled as tears ran down her cheeks as she said"of course I will, mother...I know how I feel in my heart and I know what I want,I just needed a strong slap in the face and a push. I'm a bit nervous about his answer after what I've done but for you mother, I'll face my fears and move on from you so that I can start living for myself. I know the indisputable truth, I have the slap in the face I needed and I have the strength and motivation I need to be brave, all thanks to you mother...I'm ready to face him...I'm ready to start my new life for you and dad to watch over".

Her mother stepped back as her father walked over and said"Sweetie, I'm sorry about the way things turned out...I didn't have the heart to tell you the truth all this time and I'm sorry...I guess deep down I still blamed myself for not trying harder. As go forward in life and take over my company, I don't want you to make the same mistakes as me, I want you to be there for your family and cherish them while you have the time to do so. All my life I worked and never knew the true meaning of relaxation and that's something I still regret". He smiled and said"Since your mother gave all the wisdom I'll leave you with one final piece of isn't everything, never sell out true love for any amount of money". Elaenna giggled and said "I won't dad" as he stepped back and grabbed her mother's hand.

Her mother said, "Remember, don't listen to your aunt's dating advice, and be sure to have tons of grandbabies".Elaenna blushed and said"Mom!" before two looked at her and said, "We will always love you sweetie, and remember, we're always watching".As the two faded away into a bright light, Elaenna's mother zapped Elaenna's right arm, causing a smiley face tattoo to pop up, with the words"something to remember me bye" underneath it. A few seconds later, her parents vanished, leaving her and her Aunt in the room. Elaenna turned to her aunt and said"Did that really just happen?" and she giggled and said, "Yup...even in death my sister is still a smart ass towards me".Sasha said, "You heard them though...time to let go".

Elaenna sighed and said, "I know, but I fear it might be too late".Sasha smiled and said, "Something tells me that he hasn't forgotten about you that easily, but It might take some apologizing before this mess is over". Elaenna nodded and said, "I love him...I'll do whatever it takes to get him back and show him that". Sasha smiled and said, "Get some rest sweetie and I'll try contacting the facility in the morning, since he hasn't been returning my calls but by then you better be 100 percent sure of yourself...your future rides on your actions".

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