Pain it is ~ Ch7

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4.5 Years Ago

(Y/n)'s Point Of View

"(Y/n)~" A voice sang, getting louder as they descended down the staircase. I exhaled numbly before looking up from my position on the floor, pressed against the wall with my knees against my chest. A half eaten loaf of bread sat beside me, something I've been saving for dinner. My skin crawled at the sound of his voice and yet my body seemed to react accordingly, waiting for his orders- just the way he said it would.

"Today's the day." Sako then grinned, jumping infront of my cage and kneeling down to my height. I could see the eagerness in his eyes. Goosebumps ran across my skin as my eyes started to the devil fruit that sat idly on that box, having not been moved since the day it was first introduced to me. How long has it been now? A month? Two? Nine? I wasn't sure. I stopped counting after it hit fourteen days, my brain having lost its ability to think for itself. Now I just numbly follow orders to avoid punishment. Doffy would have a seizure if he saw me now.

"Sako, it's only been six months. Are you sure? We waited for almost eight when we tried this with Ari." Yuzu commented from behind him, a girl that I'd found out was the only female on the ship and the daughter of the captain of the sea dweller pirates. She was muscular and lean, with short hair that made it easier for her to work manually- the complete opposite of me.

"Yeah, and now she's dead. So what does it matter?" Sako replied with the roll of his eyes, making Yuzu scoff.
"And who's fault is that?" Yuzu asked, instantly making Sako stop speaking. I'd learnt that Yuzu was the female slave that they'd fed the snail snail fruit. Sako had poured salt all over her back to see if she'd feel the pain like an actual snail. She ended up melting into the floor only ten seconds later. That was when Sako lost the trust of most of his crew members.

"I don't care. We're feeding it to her now. We've waited long enough and I want to see what damned fruit that thing is!" Sako snapped, motioning over to the black fruit that almost looked like it was staring at me. I gulped at the realisation that it was really happening today. I'd be fed a devil fruit. This was what I wanted right? A devil fruit to be a worthy vice-captain for Luffy? No. Not like this.
"Today's the day." Sako repeated to himself as he reached for the fruit, throwing it once into the air before catching it again.

Sako then kneeled once again, looking me straight into the eyes with a serious expression. Behind him, Tora and the captain both descended the staircase- probably wanting to see the show.
"Now listen closely, (Y/n)." Sako begun, "You're going to eat this devil fruit and then show us what you can do, okay? The cell is made of sea prism stone, so don't even think of escaping, okay?"

I nodded numbly at his instruction, making his grin, seeming pleased. Sako then rolled the fruit through the cell, making it place through muddy rain water. It didn't like that. I scrambled to grab it before it could continue rolling.
"Look how eager she is! I trained her so well." Sako praised himself, now sitting cross-legged on the floor infront of my cell. I'm not eager, I wanted to say. I just didn't want to anger whatever devil was attached to this fruit.

I picked up the fruit up and held it in my palms, staring down at it with a distraught look. This was it. Once I ate this fruit, it would be one with me until the day I died. My lips trembled at the thought. I've always wanted a devil fruit that was calm- pretty. But this? This looked like it wanted to destroy kingdoms. This looked angry, and I wasn't sure how I could tell any of this.
"Go on." Sako proded, his eyes widened as he watched me with pure anticipation.

As if my body acted upon his command without permission from me, I lifted the devil fruit and took a large bite, a tear dripping down my cheek as I swallowed the bitter taste. It felt like chalk going down my mouth and yet I took another bite and then another, untill there was none of the fruit left and my throat began to feel like sandpaper. I exhaled loudly as I waited, nothing but anger simmering in my veins.

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