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"Thanks for dinner Mr and Mrs. Sterecra!" I say putting my plate away in the sink, they made fish curry, I've never had it until now but it was really good.

"Thanks for coming over Cody! We are so happy to have you" Noah's mom smiles.

"We're just happy Noah has a friend..." I hear one of Noah's sisters mutter, it wasn't loud enough for their parents to hear but Noah glares at her and she giggles, hiding herself away in the seat.

I mean, I'm happy to have a friend like Noah. No matter how stupid the thing I talk about is he always listens. It's great.

"Alright, let's go cody" Noah mutters getting up from his chair.

We walk upstairs back into his room where we had been playing video games not too long ago (he was absolutely destroying me)

Noah lays down on the floor staring up.

"My siblings are so embarrassing" He groans covering his face with his hands.

I don't really know where to sit since Noah's laying on the floor, I sit down on the floor leaning against his bed.

"They're super nice though" I chuckle thinking about the time Noah's brother came in and helped me destroy him in Rocket League.

Noah chuckles "Sure" 

I'm always surprised when Noah laughs, considering how much he does it, whenever he does I'm startled by it.

I feel like I always have something to say but in this moment, sitting in the blue LED lit room I can't think of anything, Noah closes his eyes still laying on the floor. I don't know how he's comfortable on the hard wood.

"Cody?" He asks his eyes still closed.

"Yeah that's me" I chuckle, laying all the way down on the floor, my head next to Noah's.

"Do you like anyone? I feel like we never talk about that stuff" As he says this he looks over at me. He's right, we've never talked about that stuff, anytime we talk about serious stuff like that it's just us complaining about our families.

I think about this question.

I've liked someone for a pretty long time now, and haven't told anyone so I guess if I'm going to tell anyone I should tell Noah.

"Yeah, I like Gwen, she's super cute" I smile looking up at the ceiling thinking about Gwen. How I wish she was here, I haven't seen her since before winter break. I wonder what she's doing.

Noah looks up at the ceiling too.

"mh" That's all he says. 

"What about you? Any girls you like?" I smile and turn my head to looks at him when I say this looking smug, Noah doesn't seem like the type of person to really date so I would get if he didn't-

"Kinda" He says still staring at the ceiling.

Well now I'm curious.

"No way, Noah? Liking someone? This is a moment in history!" I chuckle, I think his sarcasm is rubbing off on me.

Noah turns his head to look at me.

"So you like Gwen?" He asks, his eyes get a little wider as he stares at me. No way, does Noah like Gwen too?!?!

"Yeah, but I called dibs first!" I smirk, I know my best friend wouldn't steal my girl.

Noah sighs "Uh huh" he looks back up at the ceiling.

I continue to look at Noah, for some time. Eventually while we're laying on the ground listening to Tv Girl I start to really look at Noah.

His eyes are closed facing up at the ceiling, but I'm just close enough to look at each detail, like looking for easter eggs in games. 

He has a resting eyebrow crease above his brows. Probably from ruffling them so much. He does do that a lot.

When he lays on the ground his hair... It just falls around his head like a frame, the picture being Noah.

I'm lucky to have such a great best friend.

"Are you gonna keep staring at me or what?" Noah smirks as he opens his eyes and looks at me.

I blush, I don't know why I'm blushing, that's stupid. "Oh! I'm sorry Noah" I roll over to my other side to stop looking at Noah, I don't know why I just want to... look at him.

Noah sighs "Drama queen" He wraps his arms around me to roll me back to facing him.

"Hello again" I smile awkwardly, we've been hanging out all day, it could just be that it's late, or the music, maybe the lights.

"You are such a dork" Noah rolls his eyes again, but he's not being mean this time, when he says it, it feels light.

Him and his friend { NOCO }Where stories live. Discover now