I Love You

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"I love you," Hannah told Grace as she lifted her top from her tonned, tanned torso after just returning from their honeymoon in Brazil.

Grace smiled a huge smile before she replied, "I love you, Hannah."

It was such a relief for Grace to, finally, be able to let those words to roll off her tongue like it was no biggie. All her life she repelled and repressed such emotions from her robotic nature and just tried to be happy. And now, she was. Thanks to Hannah. And Mamrie too, but mostly Hannah. They taught her so many things, how to live, how to laugh, how to love. It was second nature to her now and she loved every second of her new found empathy, so much so, that when Hannah got down on one knee, only 7 months after committing to being her girlfriend, did she smile and provide both of them with one of the happiest days of their lives.

"We should really unpack first," Grace giggled, as Hannah smothered her wife's face with kisses. The feeling that Grace got with each placed kiss, was another thing that came new with her life with Hannah, affection and passion.

Hannah continued to stagger her sacred kisses all over Grace's face and neck, chuckling through them, "The unpacking can wait gorgeous."

Grace wasn't the only one benefiting from the two being together. Hannah was at as much a gain as Grace. She always worried she wouldn't get the contentedness that she knew she deserved as no one stayed around long enough for her to feel any sort of self worth. All in all Hannah felt that she was about to miss out on the family driven life she craved so bad. Fortunately, for her, Grace swept in and saved the day. Or it may have been Hannah doing the swooping in and saving, depending on which way you looked at it.

"I'll tell you what," Hannah started, looking into Grace's beautiful brown eyes. "We can unpack quickly, and go round to Mamrie's taking her souvenirs and picking up a coffee on the way," she smiled.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Grace said, mimicking Hannah's facial expression.

Of course the unpacking was slow as the pair kept getting distracted by one another due to stolen kisses here or a straying hand there, mostly down to Hannah although Grace had her own bright methods to the teasing game, which had turned into a little game of cat and mouse. Finally, however, they had made it into the car with their bag of souvenirs and were on the way to a small coffee shop in town where they briskly received what they came for - two coffee's green tea to go. Shortly after, they pulled up outside Mamrie's.

"Grace, get ready..." Hannah taunted playfully. "Catch!" She said, tossing Grace the car key as she easily strolled across the drive with the coffee's and the bag in her hands.

Grace ran past Hannah, nipping her ass on the way, "Don't second guess me again asshole," she giggled back to Hannah, before running into Mamrie herself.

"If it isn't the two newlyweds themselves, I've missed you two poopers," Mamrie confessed taking Grace under her wing and walking back inside only after yelling, "Get in here, Hannah!" behind her.

The three girls sat in Mamrie's living room, after giving her the gifts they had brought her, exchanging stories. Mamrie informed the pair how their dogs had misbehaved during their absence and Hannah and Grace recalled many perfect moments of their love filled holiday.

Their visit to Mamrie's was short lived as the playful mood from earlier returned and subtle, rather inappropriate touches, weren't all that subtle and Mamrie banished them jokingly. "You two get that all that honeymoon stage out of your system before you even think about hanging out with me," she chuckled as they were leaving.

Their short cut outing left the pair retiring to their living room couch in their playful mood. As soon as they crossed the threshold and the door had shut Grace's lips met Hannah's in a hurried need, which was very obviously reciprocated. The girls began to lose all rationality in haste. Grace's hands roamed through the shorter girl's short hair, leaving it in messy tangles. Soft moans escaped from their mouths as their tongues battled for dominance. Finally, Hannah's won as she flipped the two of them over and discarded Grace's shirt, leaving them in the position they were in earlier and leaving Grace in her lacey black bra.

The situation was parallel to that of earlier with one difference, neither girl had the intention of stopping what was sure to happen.

Hannah's hands traced intricate patterns on Grace's torso leaving her needy and flustered. Grace attached her lips to Hannah's neck, where the marks from their two weeks of activities had began to fade. Grace was adamant to re-stamp Hannah as hers again and she left a purple mark on the younger girl proudly before returning to kissing her neck while Hannah massaged Grace through her bra.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Hannah pulled away reluctantly. "We better get that," she breathed, fixing her hair before walking to the door. She opened the door to find a young boy standing on the other side of the wood work.

"I-I'm Harry, does, Grace Helbig, live here?" He asked cautiously.

Hannah stood back puzzled, looking to her wife, who had put her shirt back on and fixed her lipstick. Hannah knew exactly who he was once she looked him in the eye, she'd be a fool if she didn't."It's for you," she said, gesturing for the young boy to come in.  He hesitantly took a step over the threshold.

As soon as he was in Grace's eye-line, her jaw dropped. 


"Hannah, what am I supposed to do?" Grace asked once Hannah had retured to the table and sat beside Grace, who's tears hadn't stopped since the boy went to their spare bedroom. 

"Tell me about him?" Hannah questioned. 

"Hannah, all that surrounds that child is disappointment," Grace confessed.

Hannah hated seeing Grace in pain. She would go to the ends of the earth to make her feel better but all she needed to do now was understand. She sighed, "I'm sure that's not the case." Hannah understood how difficult this situation must be for Grace considering it was hard for Hannah herself to get her head around, so she also understood that she needed to be patient and listen to Grace.

"From the moment I found out about him. I was disappointed in myself. How could I be so stupid, how could I even think I was in love. I remember thinking how I was going to tell Matthew, then I remember thinking 'Hell, how am I going to tell my mum and dad'. When I told Matthew, he ran off. That was the first let down of that poor kid's life, his 'dad' taking off. The next came when I told my mum, she was so upset. She felt the same way about me that I felt about myself.  When he was born I remember holding him and thinking that now I was going to disappoint him. I couldn't look after him. I couldn't be selfish and keep him, keep in him a life without the care he needed. I had to give him his best chance. I told the nurses to take him away. I couldn't provide for him, physically, financially, emotionally. I just couldn't love him. From then on I just knew he would always face disappointment in his life. And that's how he's showed up here. To see his disappointment of a mother, Hannah," Grace cried. 

Hannah took it all in. And by the end of her speech Hannah too was in tears. Hannah understood, and now it was her turn to talk about this. Hannah knew that these decisions that Grace had made in her life was nothing compared to the one she had before her right now. Hannah knew that she needed to get Grace to step up and take the opportunity she had been given with both hands, she also knew that Grace would, because she was one of the best people Hannah knew. She also believed that she could step up and be whatever Grace and that little boy needed her to be. So she began to speak up. 

"Grace, don't you ever say that about yourself. You are not a disappointment nor are you selfish. Grace, what you did was one of the most bravest things anyone could ever do. You gave him his best chance in life. No matter what you think, that is a good thing, Grace. The fact that, that little boy is here says a lot about him. He's determined and he wants to know you. You need to stand up to your fears, about disappointing him and disappointing others and get to know your so,n Grace. Everything will work out because I'll be right by your side every step of the way because I am so proud of you, and because I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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