Chapter 2

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My head was pounding like someone was hitting it with Thors hammer. I slowly opened my eyes blinking a couple of times to clear the gunk that had built up as I had been asleep. It was dark with shadows all around me and I could hear the steady crackling of a fire near by. I turned my head and tried to figure out were I was. I was in a cave with drawings on the wall that looked liked old cave men drawings from whatever time in history that was. I saw the Darklord and my parents fighting over my kingdom and then the Darklord stab them through the heart. I also saw me and this guy I had never seen before. I looked away and up at the cieling that was clear and moved like water sparkiling and shining giving off the only light in the room. It took me a while to figure out the ceiling was made out of crystal.

"Where is Exavier" I thought.

Suddenly the crystal moved like water. I saw Xavier, Tiffany and her horse looking for me.

" Where am I and what is this place" I thought.

I heard someone come in and I quickly shut my eyes trying to calm my rapidly beating heart and calm my breathing. There was a series of banging pots and pans, a couple of curses and then I felt a warm wet cloth cover my forehead.

" Stupid night riders', how did I not see them" he mumbled. My mind flashed to the thing that had coated Xavier wings. So that was what it was! I felt for my bow and clasped my hands around the cool smoth surface. I was about ready to jump up when someone appeared right beside my and yanked it away. I jumped up and spun around. No one was there. I'm over here came a sarcastic voice. I slowly turned around. Hidden in the shadows was a tall skinny but muscular shape.

" Give me my bow back" I said coyly clenching my hands into fists. I hated being played with.

" Not until you get out of here" he said. I rolled my eyes.

" I would if I knew how"

" Fine," he grumbled " Follow me." I didn't trust him but it was creepy down here so I followed trying not to jump when rocks skipped down the tunnels. As we walked I marveled at how beautiful something so dark could be even though I still hated it. It didnt take long before my eyes slowly drifted to the guy in front of me. He was tall and thin though you could feel the power radiating off of him. He had dark black hair that was constantly falling into his eyes which he would brush back with his hands and then start the process back over again. The most intriguing part of him though was his eyes. The were sparkling light green and would shift to black in a matter of seconds.

" Wait you serve the Dark Lord," I said. He stopped and spun around.

" How do you know about him mortal" he hissed. I glared at him.

" I am no mortal you piece of scum, and I can tell you serve him because your eyes turn black. Well he called me a mortal so why couldn't I call him scum though maybe I should of used a stronger word.

" Who are you" he demanded. Right before he could force and answer out of me I turned and ran. Of course I had no idea were I was going but I did not want to be caught by that raper even if he was cute. I turned down another tunnel and suddenly smashed my face onto the ground. Ouch. I must have tripped and instantly pain seared through my wrist. Even though pain was clouding my vision I got up and kept running. I noticed a black blob ahead of me but kept running hoping it wasnt solid. I ran right into it. It was of course solid and I felt myself falling onto the ground again. Right before my face said hello to the floor again strong hands grabbed me and lifted me up.

" Nice try" he whispered. He lifted me up and my broken wrist got caught between us. I cried out in pain.

" What is it " he asked

" Why should I tell you" I hissed. Then everything went black. Okay I feel terrible that I did but who can blame me it freaking hurt. When I woke up something soft and warm was beside me. It was Xavier.

" Hi boy" I mumbled. I looked at my wrist. It wasn't broken but it did have angry red marks circling it. It must have all been a dream. I hoped it was a dream.

" So you plan on staying awake now" It wasn't a dream. My life had just gotten worse. I sat up and looked at him.

" I know who you are" he gloated.

" And I know who you are" I said smirking back. I had no idea who he was but I was pretty good at lying. He jumped of the rock and walked over to me. He looked me in the eyes.

" Oh yeah, then who am I " He smelled like dirt, darkness, and spirits. Then it hit me. I had seen him behind the Dark Lord every time he sent a message.

" You're the Dark Lords son" I mumbled. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up.

" I should kill you since you are from the light kingdom, and the princess no less." he said. I looked him in the eyes. He could teleport by I had my own powers.

" What are you doing" he asked. My eyes were changing colors like they always did when I accessed my powers. This time it was from blue to dark violet. I vanished. Of course I was still there but he couldn't see or feel me.

" Nice trick" he muttered. He teleported. When he teleported I saw him when he disappeared. He grabbed my arm and we appeared a few feet away from the rock. I was stuck.

" What's your name" he asked.

" Ashley Ryder" I yelled.

" Mine is Michael Dark Lord and since you wont surrender I guess Ill have to kill you." I hated the way he said that as if just because I was a girl I was no real threat. His clothes started to smoke and blisters formed on his hands. Light was cascading of me in waves. It was a new power I soon realized. I looked at him. Darkness was cascading of him as well. I couldn't hurt him and he couldn't hurt me. The power between us grew. There was an explosion and I felt myself fly backwards and my head smacked against the ground and I waited for the stars to clear from my head. I slowly sat up and noticed Michael doing the same. He noticed me and teleported right next to me. He reached out and touched my hair.

" What the hell" I said. Total creeper alert.

" Y...Your hair" he stammered. I manifested a mirror another one of my powers. I screamed. My hair had black streaks in it. I was no longer totally light. I had darkness coursing through my veins.

" I am so sorry" He said.

" Yeah right" I screamed." you wanted to kill me.

" I didn't mean to do this though' he said. I had enough of this. I vanished and started running away from him. I kept running until I could barely breathe. Xavier followed me. Since we were bonded he had also inherited black streaks in his mane, tail, and wings. I laid down and soon sleep overcame me.


The picture on the side is of Michael.Thanks for reading. :D

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