Cozy Winter Days : January

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It was highly unusual for it to snow in the City of the Millennial Tree. The dense forests and humid weather didn't quite allow for any form of sleet or snow to come.

But whether it was from the days growing colder than usual or Millennial Tree simply willing it to happen, the first flakes of snow had started cascading down during the night.

Iris had learned of this when a cheburic face woke her up the following morning.

"Mama," Maple called. "Come look outside!"

Iris groaned, covering her head with a pillow.

"Maple, it's too early. Let Mama sleep, okay?" She responded.

"But Mama -"

"I said, let me sleep." She turned away from her son, closing her eyes yet again.

Maple puffed out his cheeks, irritated by his mother's words. Without thinking much, he shook her awake, earning a squawk from her.

"C'mon Mama! You have to come see!" He called yet again through a mischievous grin.

Once he stopped his assault, Iris let out a tired groan. She sat up in bed, stretching her limbs and wings.

"Fine, fine, I'm coming," she grumbled. She swore, that boy could be as stubborn as his father!

Letting the tiny hand in hers lead her, Iris moved towards the window. Opening the curtains, she expected to find nothing out of the ordinary.

Children are known for notoriously waking up their parents over silly things, so she hoped some leaf had just caught Maple's eye or something.

Five inches of snow lined the forest surrounding their home, even more falling in small showers. It covered the trees, the grass, and even some unfortunate animals.

Okay, so maybe once in a while, children have something worth showing.

"Can I please go, Mama?" Maple asked.

He clinged onto her arm, displaying the most puppy like eyes known to man. Iris could only sigh, pinching his cheek.

"Alright, you can go," she allowed. "You're lucky you look so much like your father. Otherwise, I would've gobbled you up for waking me up early!"

She attacked him with a series of tickles, earning little shrieks and laughs from the cookie. Once she had her fill, she let go of the boy, saying, "You can go get dressed while I get ready. But make sure you wait for me once you're done, okay?"

He nodded at her words, hurrying to his room to get ready.

Iris turned to her closet, opening a drawer. She picked a set she felt would be perfect for winter weather : a long sleeved royal blue dress with long pants to match. She should keep warm in these, she thought.

After getting dressed, Iris went to the bathroom. She did her basic skin care routine and teeth brushing before putting on her makeup. After she completed that, she gave herself a look in the mirror.

Nymphs were known for being vain about their looks, and he had teased her about it when they were younger. But Iris had always been a firm believer that you should always look your best, and she stuck by it even to this day.

"Uh, I really need to cut down on eating so much," she said to no one in particular. She had gained a lot of weight after having Maple, and her love of food wasn't helping either. Perhaps for now, she'll limit what she eats.

Satisfied with her conclusion, Iris walked towards the living room. There, Maple sat on one of the chairs, kicking his feet in boredom.

He wore the red cardinal coat Iris had made for him, along with some mittens to match. He also wore the brown pair of boots his father gave him on Christmas, the pair fitting snuggly on his feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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